Other sources that can get you items:
First shift of the day at the desk:
If the doors do not open at the appointed time, you will need to contact the Ops (Operations) Center at the Department of Public Safety.
P 701.777.2591 und.opscenter@und.edu
Please be vigilant and leave a Teams note @Karlene, @Jay, and @Stan
This shift is primarily for our senior students.
If you are not a senior
If the doors do not lock at the appointed time, you will need to contact the Ops (Operations) Center at the Department of Public Safety.
P 701.777.2591 und.opscenter@und.edu
Please be vigilant and leave a Teams note @Karlene, @Jay, and @Stan
Once you triage what it is the person needs, if you've spent more than 3-5 minutes talking to them, it should be passed to the On-Call librarian or the Subject Librarian.
This game is a good example of why we pass to librarians. Please play through
We also make sure that our departments have access to books, journals, DVDs and other resources that they need!
How do YOU contact a Reference Librarian for assistance?
Some librarians do not have specific subject areas, but are always available to help. They include:
How do Patrons Contact Us?
What hours are the Reference Librarians available?
There are a few things you can do using Quick Links at the top right of the library's home page. Please read more about these under the Reference Interview and Do you have... tabs
How do I use Quick Links?
This is an alternate method of looking up a specific Database!