CFL Student Employee Training

information for student employees

What's My Role?

You will be located on the west side of the second floor at the Access Services area. Your job will be handling all of materials. Materials is a general term to encompass:
  • Library of Congress (LC) shelving
  • Dewey Decimal shelving
  • State Docs
  • Journals / Magazines
  • Movies
  • Board Games
This includes:
  • Book drops
  • Interfiling
  • Checking
  • Shelving
  • Shelf reading
  • Truck Spotting
  • Shifting
  • Pulling books
  • Office deliveries

Opening Procedures

First shift of the day:

  • Get signed in
  • Check the Red Binder
  • Check Projects tab
  • Collect bookdrops
  • See if ILL or Circulation Specialist need help pulling books
  • make sure all white boards have a marker and eraser

Daily Tasks

Your priority will be to manage the materials behind the Access Services Desk, specifically interfiling and the steps that follow it.

You will be learning Library of Congress shelving first. Once you are fully signed off on interfiling, checking, truck spotting, and shelving, THEN you will move on to the sections for Dewey Decimal shelving, and SuDoc understanding.

Record in the Teams Materials PSA channel chat that you are going to shelf, shelf read, etc. Reply to your own post when you return.

Checking Books

B&T stamp reminder 

  • Popular reading books with the red B&T labels (Baker and Taylor) do NOT get stamped with the “University of North Dakota Libraries” stamp.
  • The library is borrowing all books with the B&T sticker, and if they are stamped the library has to purchase them.
  • If you are not sure what these labels look like please ask a senior, Chris, or Karlene.


Relabeling faded labels

  • It should be placed at the relabel table instead of the shelf labeled Circ-Cat next to the swinging door.
  • A work order for “Cataloging technical services fix” is still needed so we know where it is.
  • All other work orders sent to Technical Services (wrong catalog record, duplicate call number, etc.) will still go to the Circ-Cat shelf near the door.