You've gone through everything on the Reference Interview tab - now we're going to practice! The Mapping the Topic worksheet is found below on this page, as well as on the previous Reference Interview page. For the purposes of your "practice assignment" we want you to assume the patron is looking for articles because we want you to learn how to use our databases.
Let Karlene know when you have completed this task. You'll visit with her and / or Meaghan about the sheet when you're done before you go on to a "live" practice with the two of them!
Nonverbal communication is a large part of the face to face interview. Make sure that you give indication of listening, such as nodding. As the videos showed, sit up, look them in the eyes, validate, and let them know you are paying attention!
Patron: "I'm looking for books on nature."
There is an example about "frogs" on the previous tab. This one is not as filled in as it's a basic reminder guideline:
Use the Topic Worksheet to invent a question a patron may ask. Go from very general like "dogs" to "dogs and kids" to "how dogs interact with kids" (as an idea).
Make sure you use the Topic worksheet.
Let Karlene and Meaghan know when you are done! Bring the sheet with you to the meeting that will be set up to review.