CFL Student Employee Training

information for student employees


Our expectations for Customer Service are high! With customer service, you are expected to observe how the fully trained employees handle situations. We use a "culture of yes" which means we do our best to avoid saying things like can't, won't, don't, no, and "it's policy."

Many people are nervous to come in to libraries, so we work hard to make them comfortable. We also strongly believe that you excel when you know what behaviors we want and that you deserve to have actionable items you can list on your resume when you complete your time working for us. Please read and watch everything following on this page!

We have seven standards (Learning Outcomes)  that are for everyone in the building:

  • Accountability
  • Approachability
  • Efficiency
  • Knowledgeability
  • Equity & Inclusion
  • Teamwork
  • Communication.

All of these together encompass Leadership!

UND has a focus across campus on Communication, both verbal and written.

Access Services and the Information Commons will pay particular attention to Accountability and Knowledgeability.

Current employers (2024/25) are looking for graduates with strong Communication and Critical Thinking.

How do we come up with this list? We check NACE career readiness guidelines every year.


On every shift,

  • Go to Teams
  • Files
  • Student Projects
  • Find your tab
    • On your tab, you may find projects already waiting for you, assigned by librarians.
      • Ask your "buddy" or your supervisor how to fill this out
    • Otherwise, list the activities you complete on each of your shifts


  • Be responsible for what you do
  • Be aware of outcomes
  • Offer follow-up


"Language" incorporates verbal and non-verbal.


  • Give patrons your priority. They come before anything else you may be working on!
  • Use effective body language such as nodding and maintaining eye contact
  • Smile, be polite, and emit friendly signals
  • Be open, responsive, pleasant, and courteous
  • Keep the work space clear of homework, water bottles, and snacks - think what it looks like from the other side!

"Language incorporates verbal and nonverbal.


  • Listen attentively to the patron's request for information before jumping in.
  • Speak clearly when answering.
  • If you don't know an answer, (relates to accountability) tell the patron, "I don't know the answer. Let me get some help!"
  • We operate with something called a Culture of Yes. That means find a way to always provide a positive interaction.
  • We NEVER say
    • I can't
    • I won't
    • We don't
    • It's policy
    • No
    • Unfortunately
  • Instead, we state it as a fact, then offer something positive.
    • For example, if someone does not have their library card,
      • We do NOT say: "Unfortunately I can't check your book out today."
      • We DO say: "We do need to have your library card, but here's what I can do for you: Let me show you how to use our self-check machine!"
  • When someone says "thanks for the help" - the answer is NOT "no problem." (That implies it MIGHT have been a problem, which can make them uncomfortable or less likely to ask for help again. Instead the correct response is either:
    • "You're welcome!" or
    • "That's what we're here for!"

Communication is a separate Learning Outcome from Approachability, but factors heavily into it. For that reason, it is nested here.

A few other details to know about this outcome:

  • Watch your volume.
    • Sometimes when there are more than two working at the Info Desk, the noise level can carry and distract those trying to study in other spots of the building (and yes - this goes down to first floor as well!)
  • Ensure you use appropriate communication to and about patrons, coworkers, and / or others.
    • This includes talking about what people have on their library records, how they behave, or how you perceived them ("that person was so rude..." is not okay to announce at the desk).
  • Provide clear instructions. Rather than following that with "does that make sense?" instead ask the person to explain back to you what you told them.
  • Enunciate clearly.
  • If someone says "thank you" the answer is "You're Welcome" (not "no problem")

A word about written correspondences.

  • Emails, notes, daily duties should always be accurate and concise. This might take practice, and your supervisors are happy to work with you on this!
  • Libstats - this is where we record all the questions that come in throughout each day. Please be mindful not to make fun of situations, names, etc. Everyone in the building can see these, and they are used for reporting out to national statistics.




"If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?" - John Wooden

Efficiency comes with time and practice, but being mindful of habits is important. Do your best to do things right the first time, but know that it's okay to go back and correct as you learn! Our expectations are to be accurate rather than speedy.

Whether relating to our patrons or your tasks:

  • Take action quickly and accurately
  • Practice time management, both when you clock in and out, and in how long it takes to complete projects
  • Be organized
  • Delegate or refer as needed

Equity & Inclusion

"Respect people's feelings. Even if it doesn't mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them." - Unknown

"Everything we hear is an opinion; not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective; not a truth." - Marcus Aurelius

Some of the videos you watched above reinforce respect. Please keep in mind:

  • Give patrons priority (note approachability!). They come before anything else you may be working on.
  • Keep your focus on them while assisting!
  • Treat others as you expect to be treated - please, thank you, and be compassionate.
  • Be professional in dress and manner - be aware of the different cultures we serve
  • Keep conversations low while in public areas - voices carry (note communication!)
  • Open,


Knowledgeability is more than just knowing the job! It's also knowing what you do NOT know, and when to ask for help or bring in assistance.

  • Learn the procedures specific to your department, and generally for the library
  • Learn what tasks to refer and to whom (you don't need to know everything!)
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions


  • Assist each other in learning and completing tasks
  • Delegate and refer as needed, including knowing when to pass to a librarian or PRC
  • Communicate clearly with others
  • Do not let patrons leave discouraged or unhappy if at all possible (note accountability - communication).
    • If you are in a situation where a patron is not satisfied by your answers, let your supervisor or the senior student on duty handle the situation.
    • If after hours, offer to take the patron's contact information, and tell them your supervisor will contact them the next day.

Learning Outcomes