CFL Student Employee Training

information for student employees

A particular book

The Catalog (Primo Book+ Search) shows

  • Availability
  • Location
  • Format

Sometimes the catalog is straightforward:

Sometimes it is not straightforward

screen shot check holdings

The solution? Always click on Locations to get more complete information

Course Reserves are items set aside by the instructors for use in their class. These can be library books, their personal books, DVDs, or any number of other things! They are only on reserve per semester.

They have green or red stickers on their spines that tell you the Item # and the Professor. The color corresponds to whether or not the item may leave the library (think of stoplights: Green can go; Red stops at the door).

When they come to the desk, you DO NOT go look for "that red book with the silver letters" or "You know, that one book? For Miller's Class?" With sometimes hundreds of items on the shelf, you must go look for (for example) Clark 2.

How to look up a course reserve

We want to encourage our patrons to find the materials on their own. However, the first time they come up and need help finding the reserve number, TELL THEM that you will show them how to do it. Turn the screen so they can see it, and go to the library home page at

  • Click on Quick Links at the top of the screen.
  • Start typing "course reserves" - it will show up! Click that.
  • Type in the professor's name, the course name, or the book title
  • Show them the call number
    • If it's a library book, it will show the library call number, followed by parentheses including the professor's last name and a number - this is your call number.
    • If it's the professor's book, there will only be information in the parentheses

Checking it out

  • This must be checked out at either the Access Services Window or the Information Desk.
  • Self-check will not work with reserves or ILL items.


If you recognize the person (as in, they repeatedly come to the desk), give them a smile, and say something like "I know I've shown you a few times. I'm going to let you try it yourself this time. You can use the computers over in reference. If you have any trouble, just come on over and I'll help!"

  • Just like Course reserves, if there is a GREEN sticker, the patron is able to take the book out of the library. If there is a RED sticker, the book IS NOT allowed to leave the library. 
  • When checking out provide the patron with the red slips that are located at the front desk, write down the date it is due and the amount of time permitted by each book (it is stated on the colored sticker). 
  • Tell patrons to return the books to the front desk and NOT the book drops. 

A Journal

It's important to recognize that this is a task best passed on to a librarian. If there is no one available, please recommend the 24/7 chat. If the patron needs something in that exact moment, then AND ONLY THEN - in an emergency - do we want you to search as shown below.

Click on the magnifying glass next to the search bar

  • You do not need to enter anything in the search bar

Students do have access to journals off campus. All they need to do is log in using their credentials (same as blackboard or campus connection).