CFL Student Employee Training

information for student employees


 Welcome to

Expectations will be laid out in two areas of excellence for our Public Services Assistants:

  • Information Desk PSAs
  • Access Services Materials PSAs


Everyone is expected to go through First Things First, as that is where all general information for both sides of the floor is housed. Once that is completed, move on to the section that relates to the area you are working in!

Your supervisors

It's the responsibility of your supervisors to delegate duties and assign specific tasks. We will figure out hours, schedules, and be here to listen and discuss any problems you might encounter. If you have any questions or complaints, please feel free to discuss them with us. If you feel you cannot talk to your direct supervisor, please know you are welcome to talk to any other full-time person within the building. We're here to help you succeed!

Citing this source:

CFL. (2024). Chester Fritz Library policy and training Research Guide.

Microsoft Teams

We use Microsoft Office Teams for communication, project assignments, and documents we're working on.

  • All students get a tab on the Student Projects excel sheet.
    • Please look at how some of them have been filled out. If your supervisor or a librarian has a task for you, they will add it to this document. You will fill out what was completed on a given day for it and when it is finished.
  • We also have pictures of you and your majors - this is so those you may not work with will still know who you are! Maybe you'll work with them in a coming semester.

You will be provided some training on how to use Teams. You may also go to this training site.