Note 1: If several codes apply, string together, putting [space];[space] between each code. Do not repeat checkin location. (Ex: ABC SO ; 505 ; ANA/Cont UNDMA CFL3) For future collections, add it also enclosed in brackets. (Ex: Earlier UNDER STAX [REF])
Note 2: If space allows, add date and bibliographer/operator initials with this format: (m/d/y-bib'r) ex: (10/31/03-seh)
Note 3: Bibliographic information is on bib records. Need to write into policies that changes in status must be sent to ABC to update bibs.
Note 4: [draft] Assume JLS1 and JLS2 are checked in by SER; GOVDJ by GOVD; STAT4 by SPEC. For others, record destination; may also record checkin location which should correspoond to Aleph Subscription control Sublib/Collection name.
Tip: To search for text on this page, type Ctrl-F to bring up a "find box" in which you can type a word or part of a word in order to locate the appropriate note.
Code | Note | Checkin | Description | Other |
ABC SO | X | ABC Checks in; Standing Order | ||
ABC 505 | X | ABC Add title to bib 505 | ||
ABC ANA/Cont | X | ABC Analytics per Contents | Add branch & collection code. Ex: ANA/Cont UNDMA CFL3; ANA/Cont UNDMU STAXS [REF]; Set processing status: CT | |
ABC ANA/ContAsApp | X | ABC Analytics per Contents as appropriate | Same as ANA/Cont; Set processing status: CT | |
ABC_SendTo | X | Send to ABC | Set processing status: CT | |
AltVolNum | X | Alternates volume numbering with: | ||
ANA_LinkAdd | X | Make additional ANA link to: | Ex: ABC SO ; ANA/Cont UNDMU STAXS [CWRK] ; ANA_LinkAdd OC3393903 | |
AnnlWQuinCum | X | Annual, with quinquennial cumulations | ||
AtlasCase | X | Atlas Case | HOL ; Add $m Atlas case | |
Bind | X | Bind | ||
Barcd 1 Copy | X | Barcode only 1 copy | ||
BillCop1SpCol2Ref | X | One charged for Special Collections and other charged for Reference | ||
Bind | X | Bind | ||
BindA | X | Bind; Published out of sequence | ||
BindB | X | Bind; Indexes received during following year | ||
BindCompltVol | X | Do not bind until volume is complete (Published out of sequence) | ||
BindIssTog | X | Bind ___ issues together | ||
BindReEval | X | Re-evaluate with v.__ for binding | ||
BindSuppWJl | X | Bind supplement with journal | ||
BindSuppWJlChron | X | Bind supplement with journal in chronological order | ||
BindVolTog | X | Bind ___ volumes together | ||
BindWith | X | Include _____ in binding | ||
BindWithout | X | Do not include ____ in binding | ||
BNA_OnOrder | X | BNA has on order | ||
CatFor | X | Catalog for [sublib] [coll] | ||
CatAddlFor | X | Catalog additional copies for ___ | ||
CatAll | X | Catalog all issues received | ||
CatCop1 | X | Catalog 1st copy received for __ | ||
CatSep | X | Catalog separately | Add branch & collection code. Ex: CatSep UNDMA CFL3; CatSep UNDMU STAXS [REF]; Set processing status: CT | |
CatSepEval | X | Catalog separately. Each issue to be evaluated. Insert gift slip and give to bibliographer. | Set processing status: BR | |
CauseSubOf | X | Causes the subscription of (sysno) | ||
ChkInUndr _ | X | Supplements that come with a serial but are cataloged with their own bib have their own subscription record; checkin under own record. | Bibs need 7XX linking fields. | |
ChngPubPat | X | Change publication pattern | ||
CLM/Claim | X | Claim notes - see table below | ||
ClosdNoRecvd | X | Closed due to non-receipt | ||
ConfIss | X | Conference issue: [instructions] | Set processing status: CT | |
CumAnnl: | X | Cumulated quinquennially by: | ||
CumQuinBy: | X | Cumulated quinquennially by: | ||
Discard | X | Discard | ||
DupRouteTo: | X | Duplicates routed to: _____ | ||
Evry2Yrs | X | Received/Paid for every two years | ||
FirmOrder | X | Firm order/book budget | ||
FrmlyPdAltYrs | X | Formerly paid for in alternating years | ||
GiftThruPer | X | Gift subscription though PERIODICALS under (sysno) | ||
HaCoFormatToMag | X | Publisher advises the edition has changed to magazine format | ||
Hol | X | Holdings: | Ex: Holdings: Same as JL issues | |
HolAd | X | Add to holdings (free text, last holding element) | Ex: Add to holdings: * [free text] | |
HolFromSympNo | X | Holdings designation derive from Symposium number | ||
HolIrregMsg | X | Holdings designation irregularly missing | ||
HolIrregMulPts | X | Holdings irregularly consist of multiple parts | ||
InAcNotDiscon_Date | X | Inactive but not discontinued | ||
InclSepNumIss | X | Annually includes a separately numbered issue: | ||
IssAlsoHaveNo | X | Issues also bear volume numbering for ... | ||
IndexTable | X | Index table __ (Ex: 1A) | HOL ; Add $m Index Table _ | |
Invoice3PrtsPayUndrEachTitl | X | Invoice in three parts, pay under each title | ||
IrregSupp | X | Irregularly supplmented by: | ||
KeepAds | X | Do not remove the loose pages/ads or announcements from the issue. Must keep the issue for 'archival' purposes | ||
LatEdOnly | X | Latest edition only | Set processing status: RR | |
LatEdOnREF | X | Latest edition on REF | Set processing status: RR | |
LatEdTilSuprcd | X | Latest edition and supplements until superceded | Set processing status: RR | |
LatEdEarlier | X | Latest ed. on _REF; earlier eds. in _ | Add branch & collection code. Ex: LatEd UNDMA REF ; Earlier UNDMA CFL3 Set processing status: RR |
Lat_EdEarlier | X | Latest _ ed(s). only; latest on _REF; earlier eds. in _ | Add branch & collection code. Ex: Lat2Eds ; LatEd UNDMA REF ; Earlier UNDER STAX [REF] Set processing status: RR |
LatEdOldest ABC_SendTo | X | Latest ed, oldest ABC_SendTo to WD, DPTP_SendTo Exchg | Latest _ed(s) situation: Oldest issue send to ABC to WD; set Processing status: WD; send to DPTP for Exchange | |
LatPubdFutrUnkn | X | Latest published; future publication unknown | ||
Lease/Rent | X | Lease/Rental - Return to Dun's | ||
LocatePubFutVolsShip | X | Vendor is trying to locate a publisher/distributor, when one is found future vols will be shipped | ||
LoosLefIntFile | X | Loose-leaf. Interfile with existing volumes | ||
LoosLefSnd | X | Loose-leaf (Dept'l). Send to ___ without permanent label | Set processing status | |
LoosLefBndr | X | Loose-leaf. Barcode each binder with holdings plus binder.Change publication pattern | ||
Membrshp | X | Membership in the name of (sysno) | ||
MnthlyWAnnlCum | X | Monthly, with a final annual cumulation | ||
NeedForBind | X | _____ (issue) needed for binding | ||
NoANA | X | Do not do analytics | ||
NoBind | X | Do not bind - (reason) | ||
NoBrowse | X | Do NOT pub on Browse | ||
NoLongrRecd | X | No longer received (m/d/y)(reason) | ||
NoLongrRecdW | X | No longer received with (sysno) | ||
NoPamBind | X | Do not pam bind | ||
NoPermLabel | X | Do not use permanent label | ||
NoSep | X | Do not separate into parts | ||
NotON_SO | X | Not on standing order __ [reason] | ||
NotCat_OCLC | X | Do not catalog on OCLC | ||
NotPubd | X | ______ never published | ||
OnlineOnly | X | Online access only | ||
OrderSep | X | No longer available through subscription, reorder separately | ||
OutOfPrint | X | ______ out of print | ||
Oversize | X | Oversize | ||
PaleoLab | X | Paleo Lab UNDGE | ||
PamBind | X | Process with pam binder | ||
PdAltYrs | X | Paid for in alternating years, by: (dept)(dept) | ||
PdUndr | X | Paid under: | ||
PdThruPer | X | Paid through Periodicals under: | ||
PermLbl | X | Permanent label | ||
PredPatAlt | X | Prediction pattern altered: ��__[change made]__ | ||
PredPatNo | X | Prediction pattern - do not create (initials)(m/d/y) | ||
PrePdUndr | X | Prepaid under (sysno) | ||
PrevPdUndr | X | Previously paid under (sysno) | ||
PreRecdUndr | X | Previously received under(sysno) | ||
ProcdgIss | X | Proceedings issue: [instructions] | Set processing status: CT | |
PubDelayd | X | Publications delayed | ||
PubOutSeq | X | Published out of sequence | ||
PubSuspnd | X | Publication suspended: ______ | ||
QtlyWAnnlCum | X | Quarterly, with a final annual cumulation | ||
RecdApprPlan | X | Received on approval plan | ||
RecdExchg | X | Received on exchange (NDQ) or (NDGS) | ||
RecdGift | X | Received as Gift | ||
RecdIrreg | X | Irregularly received | ||
RecdPapr/Fiche | X | Title alternately received in paper and microfiche | ||
RecdPartOf | X | Receid as part of | ||
RecdThruPerUndr | X | Received through Periodicals under(sysno) | ||
ReEval | X | Re-evaluate by bibliographer. | Set processing status: JR | |
RenewBibrDecsn | X | Renewed, only with specific instruction from bib'r | ||
RetCurYrsIssOnly | X | Retain current years issues only | ||
RetCur_YrsIssOnly | X | Retain current ___ years issues only | ||
RetPapTilMfm | X | Retain paper issues until replaced by [microfiche] | ||
RetAllEds | X | Retain all editions | ||
RetAllIssRecd | X | Retain all issues received | ||
RetAllIssSIL | X | Retain all issues received for SIL | ||
RetTilSuprcd | X | Retain until superceded | ||
RtnCumIndexTilSuprcd | X | Retain cumulative index until superceded | ||
RouteBibr | X | Route to Bibliographer __ | ||
RouteOldEd: | X | Route old edition to: | ||
RouteWdnTo: | X | Route withdrawn issues to ___, box ___ | ||
SetCompltIn | X | Set completed in ___ volumes | ||
SO-Start | X | Standing order established (m/d/y) - bib'r | ||
SpecIss | X | Special issue: [instructions] | Set processing status: CT | |
SpecIssWJlNo | X | Special issue bears journal's normal numbering | ||
SubIncl | X | Subscription includes (sysno) | ||
SubNoIncl | X | Subscription does not include (sysno) | ||
SubNoInclSuppl | X | Supplement subscription on a separate serial record | ||
SuppIss | X | Supplement issue: [instructions] | Set processing status: CT | |
SupplSubSepS.Record | X | Supplement subscription on a separate serial record | ||
SuppNoCat | X | Supplement. Do not catalog | ||
SupplTo: | X | Published as a suppplement to regular issues of ...(sysno) | ||
TitlCncld | X | Title cancelled | ||
TitlChng | X | Title change. Send to Shelby | Set processing status: TC | |
TitlChngExpctd | X | Title change expected to: __ | ||
TitlClosd | X | Title closed | ||
TitlReinst | X | Title reinstated | ||
TitlReordrd | X | Title reordered | ||
TransFrmTo | X | Transfered from ___ to ___ | ||
Unavail | X | ______ unavailable | ||
UncatRoute | X | Uncataloged. Route to ___ | ||
WdSuprcdIss | X | Withdraw superceded issues | ||
Wdn | X | Withdrawn | ||
Wdn-ReplByMfm | X | Withdrawn. Replaced by microform | ||
WebCostNoOrdr | X | Full Online Access available for $-- (date). Do not order -(bib'r) | ||
WebFree | X | Online access free | ||
WebFreeWSub | X | Online comes free with print subscription | ||
WebReplPrnt | X | No longer available in print. Replaced by free online version | ||
WebExtFee | X | Online comes with an extra fee w/print subscription |
Code | Description | Other |
CLMD | Claimed (vendor)(m/y/d) | |
ClaimLimit: | Claim limit: ____ | |
ClaimNotYet | Claim not yet processed | |
RSPN | RESPONSE from (source): _____ (m/d/y) | |
ClaimTo: | Claim to: __ | |
Direct [name] | Claim direct to [name] | |
Ebsco | Claim to EBSCO Subscription Services #21023 | |
Gift | Gift, claim to: __ | |
MembrClaimTitlClaimed | Identify title when claiming through membership | |
NDAS Exch | NDAS exchange, claim to: __ | |
NoClaim | DO NOT CLAIM | |
NotYetPubd | _____ (issue) not yet published ; and/or use dropdown NYP | |
PhoneClaim | Must telephone annually to receive new edition | |
PubrProjtdDate | Publisher's projected publication date ; use also with NYP or NYD | |
PubDelayd | Publication delayed: (issue)(m/d/y) | |
PubReglrDelay | Publication consistently delayed | |
ReCLM | RECLAIMED ____ (m/d/y) | |
RSPN | Response info whofrom Email? (m/d/y) | |
WriteClaim | Must send WRITTEN claims |
REF ID - DECSION Note for consortial ESRC titles.
Consider using TOMCAT and/or dept code for other active serials.
Code | Description |
ACS ESRC | American Chemical Society consortia |
ACS ESRC ENE | American Chemical Society consortia - Energy's title |
AMS ESRC | American Meteorological Society |
BRIN DE ESRC | EBSCO title but not available through EBSCO Online. Periodical that we receive online access to because of the BRIN Grant. |
CONSORT ESRC | Gift subscription that is accessible free through EBSCO Online |
DE ESRC | EBSCO title but not available through EBSCO |
DIREC C ESRC | Direct vendor ASCE Journals |
DIREC M ESRC | Direct vendor ASME journals |
DIRECT ESRC | Direct vendor |
EBSCO G ESRC | Title that we do not have a subscription to. Free, but we can access it through EBSCO Online |
EBSCO P ESRC | Titles that we are paying extra for online access. (Example: Soil Science Society of America journal) Online used to be free, no longer free, went up to $.. to get print/online access. |
EBSCO L ESRC | Lawrence Erlbaum (Print titles we pay an additional percent for online access)[2001-2002 was free; 2003-2004 extra charge; 2005 Mary will re-evaluate price increase] [EBSCO LAW ERL ERSRC in Decision note |
EBSCO 0 ESRC | (OUP) Oxford University Press. (Print titles we pay an additional percent for online acces) [EBSCO OUP ESRC will be Decision note] |
EBSCO P ESRC | Titles that we are paying extra for online access. (Example: Soil Science Society of America journal) Online used to be free, no longer free, went up to $.. to get print/online access. |
EBSCO R ESRC | (NRC) ND National Research Council Press consortia |
EBSCO W ESRC | EBSCO and Wiley |
EBSCO X ESRC | Emerald Consortia titles, but also access thru EBSCO |
EBSCO Z ESRC | Elsevier ScienceWeb Direct |
ESIG | PscyArticles through MINITEX |
EXCH NDAS | Exchange North Dakota Academy of Science |
EXCH NDGS | Exchange North Dakota Geological Survey |
EXCH NDQ | Exchange North Dakota Quarterly |
EXCH SIL | Exchange Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) |
S EBSCO ESRC | Standing order |
ED ESRC | Access through EBSCO direct (ex: IEEE spectrum) |
EHC | History Cooperative. EBSCO link is to publisher |
GIFT | Gift |
GIFT ESRC | Periodical gift |
JSTOR ESRC | Five years backfiles |
KLUWER ESRC | Titles through Kluwer |
MUSE ESRC | Project Muse titles |
PSYC DB ESRC | PsycArticles Database |
SCIDIR ESRC | Science Direct ESRC |
SOB ESRC | BNA standing order titles |
SO BNA ESRC | BNA online |
SO BRIN ESRC | Standing order we receive online access to because of BRIN grant |
SO DIRE ESRC | Standing order direct vendor |