All forms are located at the bottom of this page.
OPAC | Definition |
Pre Order Review | Order entered but not ordered |
Order in Process | Item ready to order may have been ordered |
On Order | Item has been ordered possibly received |
Cancelled Order | Order has been cancelled ask Patty or Laurie |
Received Order/Uncat | Order has been received and paid; it is in ABC |
Cataloging, New | Order has been cataloged; in ABC waiting for processing |
ABC-to-Access | On ABC shelves in Access Services |
Note:"EXPEDITED RUSH" - If there is an imperative need to receive the material in the shortest amount of time possible, we may order locally, or from online bookstores. Please be aware that Expedited Rush materials may NOT be subject to our usual discounts, and may incur additional shipping & handling costs. ASK QUESTIONS!
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Joan, Laurie, or Shelby.