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Notice Printing

Printing Aleph Notices


Where do the margins come from when printing from Aleph?

When printing via the Print Preview, the Internet Explorer is always used.
As a result, the margins are taken from the Internet Explorer settings.

When printing via Normal Printing, the Internet Explorer or the HTMLPrint tool is used, 
depending on the setting NewPrintType=Y|N in ..\Alephcom\Tab\Alephcom.ini. 

As a result, in case of NewPrintType=Y, the margins are taken from the HTMLPrint settings.

To modify the margin settings of the HTMLPrint tools, please proceed as follows:
1. Doubleclick on ..\Alephcom\Bin\HTMLPrint.exe
2. In menu "File", choose option "Edit configuration file" and go to tab "Margins"

So... what we decided to do is to change the NewPrintType=N to force it to take 
the IE settings.  IE page setup margins are set at .25 for top, bottom, and right. Left is set to .75.
You need to close ALL Aleph windows before changing the Alephcom.ini and then re-start
Aleph to pick up the new setting.  So far, it seems to want to "remember" the old settings
if you don't wait long enough, so if you try it and it doesn't work, then 
"Try, try, again..." only wait a little longer between saving the changed file and 
re-starting Aleph.  We also want the IE settings to include header and footers to print 
"Page # of #" on the top and source and date on the bottom.