Uncataloged, routed, decision, in-review, etc. serials are entered in Aleph as follows:
- Bibliographic records:
- Use existing bib, create brief bib, or export new record from OCLC.
- Use existing bib if no errors.
- If it has errors (WKPG/CONV) and won't work, export bib from OCLC without setting holdings or create new brief record, then total-delete the old record.
- Add 590__ $a DECISION RECORD.
- May add 022 ISSN and 035 OCLC number if easily available to enhance searching.
- Move notes to item records. Once in the item, delete those fields from the BIB.
- Holding records:
- Change 852 to 852 8# $h DECISION
- Remove call number. Enter $b sublibrary and $c collection for where it would logically be shelved
- Add $m Routed -- or term(s) that generally describes how to handle the issues
- Items:
- Description: can enter beginning date of receipt, e.g. 2008-
- Notes: Internal or Circ notes may be used. Copy notes from the BIB to the Internal note. DPTP can add more notes.
- Subscription:
- Do not create a subscription if there isn't one.
- Orders:
- Do not create an order for something we are not keeping.
- If there is an order leave it or use same order as title a route-to comes with.
- Searching with UND-FULL brings up both active and suppressed records. Linda will have checkin people use UND-FULL. Ex: sys=946676
Note: 852 should be 852 4 $j but Aleph does not display text as call number, hence does not assist staff with identification of status.