CFL Student Employee Training

information for student employees

For everyone

It goes without saying that you should not use your position in the library to harass or make unwanted advances toward library patrons or other staff. Keep your behavior professional and appropriate toward everyone at all times.

However, working in a customer service setting can also sometimes place you in awkward situations as a service provider. Please read the article Stop Sexual Harassment in Your Library from American Libraries Magazine.

If you encounter unwanted advances or other inappropriate behavior while working at the desk, you should

  1. Use one or more of the phrases suggested in the article to alert the patron that their behavior is inappropriate.
  2. Request assistance from a staff member if you are uncomfortable finishing the interaction OR alert a staff member that something has happened if you do finish helping the patron.
  3. Document the interaction by completing an incident report form.

Incident Report Forms

When it comes to reporting things, please include the following information:

  • Where it occurred (what floor, phone, etc)
  • If anyone else was involved besides the recorder
  • Brief description of the situation
  • If supervisor was notified (this should come as a chat in Teams)


There are two types of reporting:


  • This is for:
    • The "heeby-jeebies" - the weird feeling you get about a situation or a person. Nothing bad has happened; it just doesn't feel right. Trust your instinct with this! If you feel it, others might as well. This helps us create a "paper trail" of situations so we can refer back to it.
    • odd things that happen in the building that do not require emergency responders (that would be under the Campus tab).

Campus Incident Reporting Form

  • This is for
    • times that EMS arrives in the building uncalled for - in this case, please ask if they need assistance first!
    • times that EMS services need to be called in
      • this is any emergency service - fire, ambulance, police...
    • situations that involve injuries, no matter how small
      • While someone tripping over something like a carpet square and thinking they "just sprained their ankle" is all that happened, what if they actually broke their ankle? We need documentation JUST IN CASE.
      • While it may not seem like a big deal to get a small cut on something at work, if it were to get infected, and if you were to need Worker's Compensation, this paper trail will be necessary.
  • Where does it get put?
    • A printed copy should go in your supervisor's mailbox, and a chat sent to let them know it is there
    • a digital copy can be sent immediately from that site.

Required for Senior Students

The sound of a gun isn't like the movies. Sometimes it can sound like pops or popcorn. The most important factors in a situation like this are:

  • Trust your instincts - even if it's nothing, it's better to be wrong and alive!
  • Do not go explore the source of those sounds - call the police.

Profile: An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, typically through the use of firearms.


  • Victims are selected at random
  • the event is unpredictable and evolves quickly
  • law enforcement is usually required to end an active shooter situation

Coping with an active shooter situation

  • Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers
  • Take note of the two nearest exits in any facility you visit
  • If you are in an office, stay there and secure the door
  • Attempt to take the active shooter down as a last resort
  • This is one of the only times you are to NOT worry about anyone else, clearing the building, etc. Get out as soon as it's safe for you to do so and call 911 - this will ultimately save the lives of others.
  • If you can provide any of this information, it will help law enforcement:
    • Location of the active shooter
    • Number of shooters
    • Physical description of shooters
    • Number and type of weapons held by shooters
    • Number of potential victims at the location

How to respond when law enforcement arrives:

  • Remain calm and follow instructions
  • put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets, phones)
  • Raise hands and spread fingers
  • Keep hands visible at all times
  • Avoid quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety
  • Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling
  • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating

If you are not CPR / First Aid trained, you are not required to assist those in need. However, if you do assist untrained, you are protected under the Good Samaritan Law (ND Century Code CHAPTER 32-03.1):

No person, or the person's employer, subject to the exceptions in sections 32-03.1-03, 32-03.1-04, and 32-03.1-08, who renders aid or assistance necessary or helpful in the circumstances to other persons who have been injured or are ill as the result of an accident or illness, or any mechanical, external or organic trauma, may be named as a defendant or held liable in any personal injury civil action by any party in this state for acts or omissions arising out of a situation in which emergency aid or assistance is rendered, unless it is plainly alleged in the complaint and later proven that such person's acts or omissions constituted intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

As of September 2019, the American Heart Association asks that those providing CPR only do so with compressions, no mouth-to-mouth. Please watch the following video.



Automatic External Defibrillator.

Currently, the library does not have one. The nearest one on campus is in O'Kelly Hall.

Bomb Threats can be stressful. Be aware of where our own questionnaire card is located. If you are unsure, speak to a supervisor. Watch the linked video to learn more.


There are two types of incident report forms we use. The first is an In-House form. The second is a campus form.

The difference is:

In House:

  • Anyone can complete one of these. They are just recorded in Libstats
  • Use this when you have that "feeling" that something is off. Nothing bad has happened, but someone either said something that has put you on edge, or is behaving strangely.
    • ALWAYS listen to that intuition - we'd rather you be wrong than to have anything happen.
  • Examples:
    • Someone is demanding to know when one of our employees are working / insisting you give them the person's schedule
    • Person is wandering around talking to themselves (more than a few minutes - we all have moments when we think out loud)
  • Please include the following information:

    • Where it occurred (what floor, phone, etc)

    • If anyone else was involved besides the recorder

    • Brief description of the situation

    • If supervisor was notified (this should come as a chat in Teams)


  • This should be completed by the most senior student on shift (or staff if you prefer).
  • Any time emergency medical services (EMS) is called. Fire, ambulance, police...
  • Anytime there is an injury
    • It doesn't matter how small - a fall or small cut could have consequences later. We need this on record for legal reasons, especially for our patrons.
    • Workman's Compensation needs it on file if you were the one injured