General Sources
Psychiatry Sources
AccessMedicine: Locate the navigation bar just above the search box.
Find a wide database of Drug Monographs - Select 'Drugs' OR find related cardio/neuro resources and pharmacology lecture videos - Click on the 'Multimedia' drop down menu and select 'Pharmacology.'
AccessPharmacy: Find the same database of Drug Monographs as above PLUS everything Pharmacology: management, law, policy and common calculations from this topic-specific resource. Accessible from the UND SMHS Health Sciences Database page.
ClinicalKey: 3,100+ drug monographs from Gold Standard plus it offers 0.5 CME credits towards the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) with American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM).
Type a drug name (generic or specific) into the search box OR look for the "Browse Clinical Content" section center page. If you are accessing off-site or through the UND portal, look for "Drug Monographs" or "Drug Class Overview."
DynaMed: On the top navigation bar, select Drugs A-Z OR Drug Interactions
LexiDrug *Trinity Health Access only. *
This is a medication and drug reference tool. Drug information is its entire purpose. Provides drug monographs as well as comparable drug price information. Available in two different interfaces that are funded by the hospital. Content is interlinked with the on-site Trinity UpToDate account as well. Locate this from the main Trininet page > Healthcare Resources [tab], look on the left sidebar for access to LexiComp.
Note: In LexiDrug ("Pricing:US" appears in the "preparations" section of the LexiDrugs monograph. For price information, use the general version of "LexiDrugs" not the neonatal/pediatric or geriatric versions)
VisualDX: Enter the name of a medication into the search box OR select the green Drug Reactions box below to see the associated drug reactions and utilize the drug differential workup tool.
*Note: If you are on-site at Trinity or Altru, you may have access to alternative institutionally subscribed content as well. *
Current info about medications. Includes U.S. Food and Drug Administration package inserts in SPL (Structured Product Label) format for US marketed drugs.
A Point-of-Care Drug Resource Tool with additional features such as Pill ID, Interaction Check, Calculators, Guidelines and CE activities
An open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Since the launch in 2004, PubChem has become a key chemical information resource for scientists, students, and the general public.
An application for exploring drug classes and their RxNorm drug members. RxClass provides access to various drug classification systems, including ATC, NDF-RT, DailyMed and MeSH
A standardized nomenclature for clinical drugs that links its names to many of the drug vocabularies commonly used in pharmacy management and drug interaction software, including those of First Databank, Micromedex, and Gold Standard Drug Database. By providing links between these vocabularies, RxNorm can mediate messages between systems not using the same software and vocabulary (now includes the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Compendial Nomenclature from the United States Pharmacopeial Convention, a cumulative data set of all Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients!)
ClinicalKey: Browse by category or search for a specific tool by locating 'Browse Clinical Content' mid-page. Select 'Calculators.'
DynaMed: On the top navigation bar, select 'Calculators'. Search by tool type (ex. stats calculators, converters, risk scores, common equations...), specialty, or alphabetically.
*Note: If you are on-site at Trinity or Altru, you may have access to UpToDate content as well. Look for it linked from the EHR on any hospital campus computer. Calculator content is found on the blue navigation bar of the UpToDate Search homescreen. *
Library resources include unique tools that may make presentations easier.
2.2 million+ medical images for use in presentations and handouts that download with the citation information/rights for use in your presentation.
Built-in Presentation Maker that allows you to save, edit and organize content.
1) Go to the SMHS Library homepage, select the Quick Link for ClinicalKey
2) Create or log into your personal account
3) Select the little person icon next to your name in the top right corner > Presentations or >Saved Content from the drop-down menu.
4) Save any ClinicalKey content to your account for later use by selecting the star icon.
1) Go to the SMHS Library homepage, scroll to the bottom of the Quick Link section and select Health Science Databases. Look for Anatomy.TV
2) Create 3D models, animations, MRI sections, slides, movie clips and save.
3) Embed content in your e-portfolios, blogs, H5P's, PowerPoint presentations and other presentation tools such as Prezi, Canvas and Emaze.
Learn more on how to use this resource HERE.
These Clinical Tools/Point-of-Care resources allow easy access to reliable information when caring for patients. All of the following are available as mobile apps and instructions can be found in the Mobile Resources library guide. Contact your librarian for more information.
**Note: UND Medical Students and Residents in Minot also have access to Trinity Health resources including UpToDate and LexiDrug. To access these, visit the Community Resource Center website or contact the librarian.**
A comprehensive online resource collection from McGraw-Hill Medical that provides authoritative and continuously updated information. This tool is anchored by over 85 core textbooks in medicine and the basic sciences. Additional features include thousands of images, updated practice guidelines from Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care, Quick Medical Dx and Tx, calculators, integrated drug database, and more.
A search engine that grants access to thousands of topic pages, medical books, medical journals, medical images, handouts, procedures consult articles, medical/procedure videos, drug monographs AND fully indexed, searchable clinical trials retrieved daily from the database. ClinicalKey also offers physicians 0.5 CME credits towards their Maintenance of Certification (MOC) with American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)
Find out how to use the many features of this search engine HERE
This resource goes head-to-head with UpToDate. An evidence-based tool that health professionals can use to inform clinical care. DynaMed Plus content undergoes a review process, and the evidence is synthesized in detailed topic overviews. A unique three-level rating scale is used to assess the quality of available evidence. Topic overviews summarize current evidence and provide recommendations to support health providers at the point-of-care using an easy-to-read bullet format, images, clinical calculators, patient handouts, and practice guidelines - all in one place! And did we mention, an app? Why yes, there is one and you want it! Look for app installation tips on our mobile resources page...
Although it began as a way to ID dermatological issues, this platform is not just a one-trick pony! It has grown way beyond skin and now, Visual Dx allows you to build a differential diagnosis, beginning with a chief complaint and via a series of questions. View images of symptoms and quickly access information about symptoms and clinical information.
If you want the be-all/end-all how-to series, check out this resource.
UND SMHS subscribes to this resource to help students study for STEP and SHELF exams. Students are required to create an account by following the instructions below:
Questions? Contact us!
Go to the SMHS Library homepage
Scroll to the bottom of the Quick Link section and Select 'Health Science Databases'.
Look for and select Anatomy.TV
To create a quiz (Note: All study tools are accessible from the left side bar):
Option A: Classic Study Tools
Quizzing > Anatomy Quiz
Option B: Interactive Study Tools
A 3D atlas of human anatomy - a real-time interactive tool through which you can layer and remove organ systems
Create 3D real-time models, animations, MRI sections, slides, movie clips and save.
Learn more on how to use this resource HERE OR from the Help tab on the main navigation bar on the Anatomy/TV homepage.
USMLE Exam Preparation
United States Medical Licensing Examination (Direct Link to Practice Materials)
Includes content descriptions, orientations, sample items, tutorials and practice tests for each Step module.
And if you just want to learn more about the exam...
Each Step exam will emphasize certain parts of the outline, and no single examination will include questions on all topics in the outline. Questions may include diseases, symptoms, etc., that are not included in the outline.
The USMLE program continually reviews its examinations to ensure their content is relevant to the practice of medicine. As practice guidelines evolve or are introduced, the content on USMLE is reviewed and modified as needed. At times, there is a change in emphasis on new content development that arises from our ongoing peer-review processes. For example, there has been an emphasis on new content developed assessing competencies related to geriatric medicine, and prescription drug use and abuse.