NW Clinical Campus (Minot)

Welcome to the NW Clinical Campus in Minot!


This four-part lecture series provides an overview of the research program for graduate and undergraduate medical education at the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences in conjuction with Sanford Health. Each segment includes a brief, multiple-choice quiz. Complete all the segments to learn about identifying appropriate SMHS resources, developing skills in research, planning and conducting research with a mentor, and presenting research results.

Introduction to Research

Dr. Dubert Guerrero

Dr. Guerrero outlines the objectives of the research program and provides an overview of research classifications and characteristics.

IRB & Human Subjects Research Overview

Dr. Kimberly Hammer

Dr. Hammer provides an overview of the history of Institutional Review Boards and outlines the proccess of applying for IRB approval at UND.

Reviewing the Literature

Erika Johnson, MLIS

Erika shares instructions for creating a clinical question, searching the biomedical literature for relevant studies, and documenting research using a citation manager.

Part one describes formatting a question using PICO and provides a basic overview of searching in the PubMed and Embase databases.

Part two introduces Zotero, a free citation manager tool, and provides advanced search tips for the PubMed database.

Clinical Research Study Designs

Dr. Abe Sahmoun

Dr. Sahmoun provides information about the different types of research studies.

Part one explains the difference between descriptive and analytical studies and describes several common study types. 

In part two, Dr. Sahmoun further describes common study types and presents issues to avoid, such as bias, confounders, and interactions.