This guide includes:
As always, a librarian will be happy to provide additional assistance.
AccessMedical - infographics for quick reference on most body systems plus medical resources such as videos, podcasts, images, and textbooks, including Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine or Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine.
Apple Store Google Play Instructions on using filters
DynaMed - evidence-based with levels of evidence noted and article citations available. Includes diseases from diagnosis through management and patient education.
Apple Store Google Play Troubleshooting
NOTE: You must first create a DynaMed account from a DESKTOP computer. You also MUST LOG IN EVERY 90 days or your app will not work. Quick tip: set a repeating calendar reminder for the 89th day.
UpToDate - this app is provided to students / volunteer faculty through affiliated hospitals.
VisualDx plus DermExpert - diagnostic decision support tool with images includes skin tones and skin shades.
Prevention Task Force - assists primary care clinicians to identify the screening, counseling, and preventive medication services that are appropriate for their patients.
National Comprehensive Cancer Network - list options for cancer treatment that are most likely to have the best results.
AccessPharmacy though Access by McGraw-Hill app
Welcome to this library information guide. We hope you find the information helpful in answering questions you have on these concepts. If you need further clarification or advice, please contact your clinical campus librarian.
Sandi L. Bates, MLIS SW Clinical Campus, Bismarck 701-751-6767 |
Sara Westall, MLIS NE / SE Clinical Campus, Grand Forks/Fargo 701-293-4173 |
Janet Anderson, MLIS NW Clinical Campus, Minot 701-418-7710 |