1) Go to the SMHS Library homepage
2) To start: Choose one of the 'Quick Links' on the right.
Suggestions for good guideline resources are:
Locate the navigation bar just above the search box.
Find Quick Reference > Guidelines - Primary Care
Select 'Guidelines' from the 'All Types' drop down menu next to the main search bar. Type in the title or general subject
OR look mid-page at the Browse Clinical Content section and select the Guideline box.
Filter the list alphabetically OR select one of the pre-populated medical specialties in the left side bar.
Type Guidelines and Resources into the search box. Filter by Content Type on the left sidebar
OR enter a specific guideline subject/title with the word 'guideline' tacked onto the end of your search phrase into the main DynaMed search box.
Type the subject or title in the main search box. Once on the results page, look to the left sidebar. Select Additional filters > Practice guidelines > Show. On the left sidebar/Article Type, select the now accessible box for Practice Guideline