NW Clinical Campus (Minot)

Welcome to the NW Clinical Campus in Minot!

Finding practice guidelines

1) Go to the SMHS Library homepage

2) To start: Choose one of the 'Quick Links' on the right.

Suggestions for good guideline resources are:

  • AccessMedicine 

    • Locate the navigation bar just above the search box.

      • Find Quick Reference > Guidelines - Primary Care

  • ClinicalKey

    • Select 'Guidelines' from the 'All Types' drop down menu next to the main search bar. Type in the title or general subject

OR look mid-page at the Browse Clinical Content section and select the Guideline box.

Filter the list alphabetically OR select one of the pre-populated medical specialties in the left side bar.

  • DynaMed

    • Type Guidelines and Resources into the search box. Filter by Content Type on the left sidebar

OR enter a specific guideline subject/title with the word 'guideline' tacked onto the end of your search phrase into the main DynaMed search box.

  • PubMed

    • Type the subject or title in the main search box. Once on the results page, look to the left sidebar. Select Additional filters > Practice guidelines > Show. On the left sidebar/Article Type, select the now accessible box for Practice Guideline