Janet Anderson, MLIS
Montanna Barnett, MLS
Sandi L. Bates, MLIS
Megan Denis, MLIS
Jessica D. Gilbert Redman, MLIS
Devon Olson, MLIS
Sara Westall, MLIS
BoardVitals is our exam preparation tool for USMLE 1-3 and Shelf exams and Board Reviews
SMHS employees and volunteer faculty should fill out the instructor access request form to request an instructor account, which will allow them to customize and assign exams. This may take up to a week to finalize, as the account must be verified and then created by our BoardVitals representative.
UND residents may choose whether they'd like to be added as an instructor (instructions to apply for access above) or a student (instructions to self-register below). Instructors have the ability to assign quizzes to others, while students do not have this option. Access to the question banks is the same for both groups.
Students are required to create an account by following the instructions below:
Questions? Contact us!