NW Clinical Campus (Minot)

Welcome to the NW Clinical Campus in Minot!

Key Databases for Family Medicine

  • AccessMedicine: Medical titles, images and videos, case files, diagnostic tools, and drug database.
  • Anatomy.tv: Primal Pictures Anatomy.tv provides a 3D atlas of human anatomy, a 3D real-time interactive tool through which you can layer and remove organ systems, and several other helpful modules, including an imaging module and a quizzing module.
  • ClinicalKey: Evidence based search that provides health care professionals with point-of-care answers.
  • Embase: Index of peer-reviewed biomedical literature
  • PubMed: Health and life sciences journal article search.
  • VisualDx: Database of dermatologic, infectious, and drug-induced diseases.

Family Medicine Journals

Patient Education

  • Patient Education from Medline Plus is an online resource for patients providing easy to read information on health conditions, wellness conditions, etc., as well as videos.
  • Access Medicine has patient education handouts on various topics as well as specialty-specific patient education handouts.
    • Access Medicine also includes a variety of Infographics for a quick visual synopses of various health conditions.

Social Determinants of Health

UND's School of Medicine and Health Sciences focuses on these five areas for social determinants of health:

  • Opioid Use Disorder
  • Addiction and Substance Use Disorder
  • Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Obesity

For background information on Social Determinants of Health:

Culture information for different ethnicities and regions:

Professional Development

  • American Academy of Family Physicians
    • The mission of the AAFP is to improve the health of patients, families, and communities by serving the needs of members with professionalism and creativity. Career links, practice resources, Board Review prep, and more are available through the AAFP.
  • North Dakota Academy of Family Physicians
    • The mission of the NDAFP is to champion the Family Physicians of North Dakota in the delivery of excellent health care. The NDAFP Foundation provides awards, opportunities for continuing education and AAFP membership dues.