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Searching for Online and Physical Books

Need to FIND A BOOK @ Chester Fritz Library? 

  • Go to the Library's Web Site and start typing a topic in the Library Search box
  • Select "in Books+" from the drop-down options
  • To limit your search results to EBOOKS, under "Availability," select "Available online"
  • You can use the Advanced Search to limit by material type "Books" and search by "Subject"

For example, search for terms such as aviation OR airline* OR airplane* OR aeronautic* OR "air pilot*"

Need to FIND A BOOK  *NOT* @ Chester Fritz Library? 

  • Use WorldCat - Available from QuickLinks.  You can search books from anywhere in the country and request Chester Fritz Library borrow that book for you. If it turns out that the book is available from our library, you'll see Image indicates book is available at UND. You can have our library borrow a book from another library (called an InterLibrary Loan) by registering and requesting the book here.

Browsing for Books

Don't know exactly what you want but you'll know it when you see it? Why not Browse? 

  • For specific subjects, take a look at:
    • Transportation & Communication. Air Transportation. Airlines - HE 9761-9900 (includes companies)
    • Technology - TL 500-777 (includes aeronautics)
    • Military Science - UG 622-1435 (includes airforce)
    • Transportation Medicine - RC 1030-1160 (includes aerospace medicine)
    • Law Regulation of Industry, Trade & Commerce. Transportation & Communication - K 4011-4343
    • Air Sports - GV 750-770.27
  • Most of these are on the 3rd floor of the Chester Fritz Library, except for Air Sports.
  • You can also use the online Browse Search option

Finding Dissertations and Theses


Selection of Books

A selection of e-books and in-library books are found under tabs (above).

Most books on your topics will be on the 3rd floor but in different areas. Companies are shelved with Transportation & Communication. Air Transportation. Airlines (HE 9761-9900)Aeronautics with Technology (TL 500-777), Air Forces with Military Science (UG 622-1435), Aerospace Medicine in Transportation Medicine (RC-1030-1160), and Law Regulation of Industry, Trade & Commerce. Transportation & Communication (K 4011-4343).  On the 4th floor you will find Air Sports (GV 750-770.27).  A variety of books can be found below or more can be found through a CFL Books search below:

The following books & DVDs were purchased during 2018-2019 for Aviation.  They are elsewhere on the guide as well -- under ebooks, DVDs, etc.  The BOOKs top the list. 

The following DVDs were purchased.  They can be checked out and watched on a laptop.