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Tests and Measurements

Chester Fritz Library resources for tests and measurements

Searching Online

Getting Copies of Tests Online

Some tests, especially ones that are created/used by government agencies or universities, can be found with Google or other search engines. 

CAUTION: Anyone can post something on a website, so there are many unofficial, altered, and incomplete tests online. For professional and research purposes, you should use versions posted by the correct authors and publishers.  Here are some tips for finding them:

  1. First, try the official name of the test
  2. If that doesn't work, try Google Scholar to locate “scholarly” papers, articles, and websites
  3. If that doesn't work, try to find the author's personal or institutional website by Googling her/his name
  4. If you can't find the test author's website, visit the website of the company or university where they work. You may be able to find the author's contact information in a “directory,” list of employees or faculty, or on the webpage for their department

If you have questions about applying eduction and psychological testing standards, check out this webinar from the Buros Center for Testing on the latest Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (2014) published by the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education. 

Credit: Penn State University Libraries - PSYC 571: Tests and Measurements (Harrisburg) by Bernadette Lear

Tests Available Online