While EBSCO and ProQuest are the most common types of ebooks available, we also have ebooks as part of a variety of packages and from other publishers. Note: this list is not exhaustive.
JSTOR eBooks
We own many ebook titles from an evidence-based acquisition program through JSTOR. You can download specific chapters or read them online.
Directory of Open Access Books
Since books offered through this platform are open access, there are no restrictions on downloading or sharing them. Specific titles may have different rights reserved, such as the ability to create derivative works.
Wiley eBooks
Wiley eBooks are not protected by digital rights management (DRM) and thus can be downloaded in their entirety as a PDF and read offline.
Taylor & Francis eBooks
Taylor & Francis ebooks are similarly DRM-free with unlimited user access and can likewise be downloaded in their entirety as a PDF. Note: This applies to books the library purchased through the Taylor & Francis ebook platform, not all books published by Taylor & Francis.
Access Engineering
Access Engineering includes nearly 700 ebooks related to engineering, technology, aerospace, business, and math. You can read the ebooks online, link to and download specific chapters. The platform does not limit downloads.
Momentum Press Digital Library
We own a number of engineering ebooks from Momentum Press. These can also be downloaded in their entirety as a PDF, read online, or read via an ebook reader platform.