NW Clinical Campus (Minot)

Welcome to the NW Clinical Campus in Minot!

Welcome to Minot!

As a UND medical resident, you have access to the full gamut of information sources from the Library Resources at the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences as well as those provided by Trinity Health. Additionally, you have access to the services of the professional clinical librarian at the UND Minot campus. Janet Anderson, NW Clinical Campus Librarian and Trinity Health Community Resource Center Library Director, is available to assist you with any of your research needs.

NEJM Resident 360

NEJM Resident 360 is a platform that includes preparatory information for individual rotations, quick links to clinical trials, reviews, and guidelines, and multi-media resources to aid in specific procedures. It also includes testing tools, career guidance information, and an opportunity to connect with colleagues across the country and around the world.

UND's NEJM Resident 360 (First time user? Create your account here!)

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