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Documents in Zotero

Saving documents to Zotero

You can drop & drag downloaded PDFs into your Zotero desktop account. PDFs will be added to your My Library Folder by default so if you want to organize your PDFs by folder, drop & drag them into specific folders.

If the Zotero Web Connector detects a pdf or document attached to the resource it will automatically download it to the Desktop Application!

Annotating PDFs

New to Zotero 6: Annotating PDFs!


Zotero now has a PDF reader/annotation feature within the desktop application. You can highlight text, select images, and create "sticky notes" with your annotations. They can even be color coded for maximum note-taking efficiency!


Zotero Library Page


After you are done, you can right-click on the item you have been annotating and your annotations will appear as a searchable file attached to the bibliographic entry.