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Group Libraries

Step 1: Click on the new group box in the Desktop Zotero application and select New Group.

Zotero Library Button

Step 2: In the new window, select if you would like the group to be public or private, and choose a name for the group. (we recommend private)

- Professors can also create a group (that they control) for students to access for easy citations!

- You may need to refresh the desktop application before it will show up. Don't forget to set up syncing in your application!

To share Group Libraries:


Step 1: On the Zotero website, make sure you are logged in to your Zotero account.

Step 2: Click on your username then on my profile.

Step 3: On the right side of the screen click on the group you want to invite members to.

Step 4: Click on group settings, then members settings.

Step 5: Select Send More Invitations, and enter the emails/ usernames of anyone you wish to share the group with!


- Check out the video below for further assistance

Setting up Zotero groups

From the UND Libraries, a four-minute video on why, and how, to set up group collections in Zotero.