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Peer Research Consultants

Training and information for PRCs

RUSA Assessment-- filled out by the Librarians

The first 10-15 times you do reference assistance, the consult room librarian needs to fill out the evaluation for us on how you did. It allows us to see how you are developing! Please provide this link to the librarian that assisted you at the end of each transaction:


Librarians should lead all interaction

  • Katrina
  • Madeleine

PRC can do interview while being supervised

  • Logan

PRC can do interview and research while being supervised

  • Marisa

PRC is fully trained - surveys appreciated but not needed

Evaluation to give patrons

After each transaction with a patron, give them one of the following and encourage them to fill it out.

Link to libwizard:


End of Semester Evaluation Form

Rubric Used