Think back to your pre-training survey. Under "Staffing the Desk," we asked about you meeting with a librarian for your own research. Go back to that document and review your answers. This will provide you a basis as you move into working on interview questions and styles.
We have a choice to "give 'em the fish" or teach them to fish. It's our job to find the line between what they need and what they can do for themselves. Check in with the patron as you go and make sure you are still addressing the question they want answered. Whenever possible, have them do the majority of the work with only guidance from you. This is like showing them how to use our Reserve system - show them once, show them twice if you like, but then encourage them to try searching on their own with the tools you have introduced to them!
Be aware that the question they are asking may not, indeed, be the question they mean.
For example, asking for "something about tree frogs" may mean
In each example, they are looking for different types of answers and resources! It's up to you to help them get to the heart of their true question!
Assignment 7 - Writing Reflection
After reading each of the following articles and watching the short Youtube video, please write a (minimum) two paragraph reflection on what you read. Please send responses to Karlene.
Assignment 8 - Reference Interview #1
Instructions: Go back to the top of this page and go to the "Doing an interview" tab. There are two documents showing which RUSA guidelines were being used by the librarian each time they interacted with the patron. Keep those in mind as you fill in the following chart. Remember that ethics, ALA Library Bill of Rights, and RUSA guidelines are located under "Ethics and Guidelines" on the home tab!
For your topic: Choose either the one you used for your Search Plan assignment or from the English 130 sample question. Create a mock interview based on the RUSA guidelines.
Helpful Hints:
We are not looking for the perfect result to be found in this case - We are looking specifically to see:
Assignment 9 - Getting set up
While waiting to meet with Karlene about Assignment 8, it's time to ensure you have access to several accounts.
For each of these things, see the "Further Instructions" tab for more information about them.
Assignment 10 - Reference Interview #2
After meeting with the team, and reviewing Assignment 8, choose a topic that might come from an upper class student (perhaps Psych 300). Do a more complete interview and fill in the Organizing Your Topic Sheet. Submit that with the interview and search plan.
Assignment 11 - Reference Interview #3, Polished
Now that you've visited with the team about how to properly do ethics, verbiage, and narrowing the topic, give us a final, complete interview that incorporates everything above.
Assignment 12 - Reference Interview Role Play
You're ready to try it! Working with a Lead PRC, go to the One Button Studio and have your Lead ask you a question. Record the interview and then submit to Karlene. This will be the first time an evaluation checklist will be used. That sheet is located at the bottom of this page.
Once your video is reviewed, the team will let you know you have successfully completed the interview section of your training. This means, if you go back to the Home tab and review the need for your librarian buddy, you still need them present... HOWEVER, you now take the lead on the interview! Find out what class they're in, what they need, narrow the topic, etc., then let the librarian do the search with the patron. Slide over, keep listening!
Think about the following information, then write a few sentences about how you have been impacted by a form of diversity and how you will use that knowledge to better serve our patrons (it can be general or specific to an area).
Why Diversity is important:
Basic Information:
Things to say (or not)
Now that you've "got a handle" on how this works, we're going to have you look at a few other areas.
Using what you learned with the Business Question assignment from earlier, along with the reference interview practice you did above, look at the questions under each of the tabs in this area. Some of them have transcripts or suggested answers, but in all cases, you'll go through each question as you have above.
Include at least one follow-up question to each question that you might ask to better help you find what they need. Use that to help direct how you answer.
Include at least one follow-up question to each question that you might ask to better help you find what they need. Use that to help direct how you answer.
Communication Sciences & Disorders
Children's / Dewey Collection
You are ready to practice actual questions using the chat. See one of the team, usually Danielle, to get the questions asked in practice chats. There are a few things to consider for each below. Please provide a short write up on how it went, what you learned, etc.
Include at least one follow-up question to each question that you might ask to better help you find what they need. Use that to help direct how you answer.
Political Science & Public Administration
You're doing great! You're at the point you can have appointments with people. You will take the lead on the entire process BUT - DON'T FORGET you still need your librarian buddy at your side!
See "Further Instructions" for more information about Starfish!
Also, you will now start tagging the on-call librarian to know your in / out times instead of Karlene. If after 4 pm, you will tag Karlene.
Include at least one follow-up question to each question that you might ask to better help you find what they need. Use that to help direct how you answer.
Include at least one follow-up question to each question that you might ask to better help you find what they need. Use that to help direct how you answer.
1. Biology research paper on salt effects on Brassica rapa.
Include at least one follow-up question to each question that you might ask to better help you find what they need. Use that to help direct how you answer.
American Indian Studies
Since this is your final set of questions, you may skip using the search plan template, but be sure to include things such as that follow-up question, the "newspaper questions" of who/ what/ etc., your reasoning for keywords chosen, and some method of a search path, in case we want to follow your path. Use this information to help direct how you answer. Include an analysis - we want to know your thought process - , and don't forget the permalink.
Space Studies / Earth System Science & Policy
Atmospheric Sciences
You're ready to have access to the the Reference Team. See Karlene or Kristen about getting you added! This will allow you to know what the librarians are up to and who is on shift (or if someone trades a shift).
The Evaluation Tab to the left has a few forms you will need to start using at this point.
See Further Instructions, LibWizard, for more details about chats.