The Smithsonian (SI), Library of Congress (LC), and Department of Interior (I) provide a wealth of resources for this subject area.
A wide variety of government agencies publish information relevant for cultural and ethnic studies. Here are a few examples:
In addition to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, here are a few examples of government resources in this subject area:
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The Chester Fritz Library has a collection of maps. The Geology Library contains additional maps. Here are some examples of other items you can find on geography:
Whether you are interested in Congressional debates or hearings for historical legislation or current issues, ambassador correspondence, current or past laws, or Presidential documents, government documents offer a wealth of material:
The Department of Health and Human Services (HE) funds research and programs to support and monitor the mental and psychological well-being of people in the United States. Examples of government documents include:
Government documents are an excellent source of primary and secondary material for the field of sociology. Examples of relevant government documents include:
A wide variety of government departments address women and gender issues, including the White House Council on Women and Girls and the National Women's Business Council.