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Faculty Resources: Chester Fritz Library

Support for your teaching and research

Best Practices for Teaching Online

Step 1: Contact Subject Librarians

Provide class syllabi to subject librarians and contact subject librarians for class research instruction & research assistance.  Syllabi help librarians with collection development, instruction, & research assistance.

Step 2: Provide Link to Subject Research Guide

Provide link to subject research guide through Blackboard and other methods to connect students to library resources.

Step 3: Connect Students to Library Learning Opportunities

Ask subject librarians about tutorials or other learning materials that may be available or can be created.

Step 4: Provide Link to Distance Assistance Information

Learn about distance assistance for online students. 

Step 5: Use Permalinks to Journal Articles in E-mails or Blackboard

Permalinks guide students to our licensed resources, so they can log in to the resources.  The library receives a usage count to determine which materials we need to support for academic coursework.

Step 6: Work with the UND Bookstore to Create Course Packs of Unlicensed Library Content

When entire classes of students need an article that is not in our licensed resources, it can cause our library interlibrary loan to go over copyright limits.  Placing these materials in a course pack is the best solution.

Step 7: Let Students Know about Interlibrary Loan

Current students, faculty, and staff are able to use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to borrow books, book chapters, journal articles, or other materials. This service does not include textbooks.

Step 8: Encourage Students to Utilize their UND E-mails

Library Interlibrary Loan requires UND e-mails.  Familiarity with the UND Log In provides a connection to not only UND e-mails, but to Campus Connection, Blackboard, uPrint, & Starfish. 

Step 9: Encourage Students to Keep Campus Connection Information Up-To-Date

Library Interlibrary loan requires up-to-date contact information in Campus Connection.

Copyright Basics

Visit the research guide specifically about copyright issues, which includes explanations about public domain, fair use, and Creative Commons licenses and has a section specifically on best practices for using materials in teaching

Teaching Online Master Class Videos

Teaching Online Master Class

A series of 61 very short videos that cover a wide range of topics from Best Practice For Teaching Live Online Classes to How to Use Social Presence Cues in Your Online Teaching. Click on the link below to access them all.