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Conceptual & Theoretical Frameworks

Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks

  • Conceptual "is often described as a system of concepts, assumptions, expectations, beliefs and theories that support and inform one’s research" (Hughes, 2019, p. 28).
  • Theoretical "consists of the selected theory (or theories) that undergirds your thinking with regards to how you understand and plan to research your topic, as well as the concepts and definitions from that theory that are relevant to your topic" (Grant & Osanloo, 2014, p. 13). You can think of the theoretical framework as the structure that supports your research.
  • According to Kivunja (2018), while "the conceptual framework could be the product of your own thinking about your research study, the theoretical framework comprises other people’s theoretical perspectives that you interpret as relevant to your research, and in particular, helpful in your data analysis and interpretation" (p. 47)

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