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Communication Sciences & Disorders


How to search in multiple EBSCO databases at once

Your research topic might involve using articles from different disciplines. One way to search for relevant articles from different disciplines is to search in multiple Ebsco databases at the same time.

To search more than one database at the same time, select Choose Databases and click the box next to the other databases you want to use like in the screenshot below:


Note: If you're unsure what kind of articles are in the databases, hover over the yellow speech bubble to learn more!

Next, press Ok and then click the Search button to re-do your search with the same keywords as your original search but this time in all the databases you selected. 

Google Scholar can be a great resource when you're trying to find related articles for your topic. It's also helpful if you've found some good articles but they're not the most recent publications.

Access Google Scholar from Quick Links on the Library homepage. In Google Scholar, paste in the title of the article you're using for your research. Look for the Cited By link underneath the article info. For the example below, 88 articles have cited the Oakleaf & Kaske article since it was published in 2009. By clicking on Cited By, you would see the information for the 88 articles. Look for the PDF or FindIt@UND button to access the articles. 



Pro-tip: Don't see the FindIt@UND button next to an article you need for your research? Get it through our Interlibrary Loan service!