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Finding Books at Chester Fritz Library

Need to FIND A BOOK @ Chester Fritz Library?

  • Go to the Library's Web Site and select Books from the drop-down menu on the Library Search.
  • Don't know exactly what you want but you'll know it when you see it? Why not Browse? 
    • Chemistry books are generally in the QD section of the library.
    • (QD is on the 3rd floor west of Chester Fritz Library.)

Need to FIND A BOOK  *NOT* @ Chester Fritz Library? 

  • Use WorldCat - Available from QuickLinks.  You can search books from anywhere in the country and request Chester Fritz Library borrow that book for you. If it turns out that the book is available from our library, you'll see Image indicates book is available at UND. You can have our library borrow a book from another library (called an InterLibrary Loan) by registering and requesting the book here.


Locate Chemistry Books (Library of Congress Classification System and Chester Fritz Library)

Library of Congress Call Numbers for the Chemistry Department.  Chemistry books are shelved on 3rd floor west.

QD1-999 Chemistry

QD1-65 General, Including alchemy

QD71-142 Analytical chemistry

QD146-197 Inorganic chemistry

QD241-441 Organic chemistry

QD415-436 Biochemistry

QD450-801 Physical and theoretical chemistry

QD625-655 Radiation chemistry

QD701-731 Photochemistry

QD901-999 Crystallography