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Open Access

Topics in Scholarly Communication: Open Access


The Chester Fritz Library is excited to announce a pilot Open Access Publishing Fund to support UND Researchers. We support all forms of scholarly publishing, and this pilot project will support funding for articles and books. We plan to split the funding between the fall and spring semesters, as scholars have different publication schedules. 

We know that trying to combat the high APC prices can be a burden. Please see the APC information below. 

CFL is dedicated to supporting all forms of scholarship, and we also dedicated funding for Open Access book publishing. The Chester Fritz Library can provide a portion to support publishing Open Access books. Please see the book information below. 

An intended outcome of this grant is to support authors who may be unable to publish open access due to certain limitations. We want to support an increase in open publications for our UND researchers. 

If you have any questions, please contact Brittany Fischer, Scholarly Communications Librarian, at

APC Information


  • Authors are limited to one funded article per year.  
  • We can support up to 2,000 dollars to pay for APCs
  • Departments should cooperate together to ensure multiple faculty from the same department are not applying
    • This is to ensure that we can distribute the funds across campus equally.
  • Articles should be accepted for publication within one year of applying for the grant
  • Journal must not be part of any of our read and publish agreements  
  • Applicant must not have a designated grant funding to pay for APCs  
  • The journal must not have an embargo period, meaning the journal should be made available at the time of publication


  • Applicant must be a UND Faculty, Researcher, Post-Doc, Graduate Student, or Staff Member 
  • Applicant must be a corresponding author on the publication
  • If you co-authored with a non-UND colleague, the committee may ask that the APC fee be distributed across institutions.  
  • The funding must go to APCs and should not be used for color fees, etc.  
  • The journal must be a fully open access journal  
  • Journal must be listed in DOAJ  
  • The journal’s publisher must be a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics or the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association or comply with a similar code of conduct for transparency and best practices. 
  • Statement of support from the Department Chair with signature needed to show support for publishing in the journal  
  • Please provide the statement, "Financial support was provided by the Chester Fritz Library Open Access Fund." 

Note - it is recommended that authors should be as far along in the submission process as possible. This helps the committee make a decision based on the information provided.

We will review applications on an ongoing basis between the fall and spring semesters, and we will review any article that was accepted for publication or published this fiscal year. 

Book Information


  • We can support up to 1/3 of the costs or up to 5,000 dollars, whichever is less. 
  • Faculty are encouraged to explore additional sources for support, so the library is not the exclusive funding source. 
  • If you are co-authoring with a non-UND colleague, the committee may ask that the OA fee be distributed across institutions.  
  • We may choose to fund a higher amount for University presses, given their mission. They should be a member of the Association of University Presses
  • The Chester Fritz Library will need a memorandum of understanding with the faculty member. We will work with the faculty members before providing funding. 
  • We have a limited amount of funds, so we cannot guarantee all funding requests will be approved. 
  • Departments should cooperate together to ensure multiple faculty from the same department are not applying
    • This is to ensure that we can distribute the funds across campus equally. 


  • We can only accept one application per faculty member every three years. 
  • Applicant must be a UND Faculty, Researcher, Post-Doc, Graduate Student, or Staff Member 
  • Applicant must be a corresponding author on the publication
  • Faculty members should have a contract with a publisher or an acceptance letter. 
  • It should be published by a reputable academic publisher. It should go through a peer-review process. 
  • A statement of support from the Department Chair with a signature is needed to show support for this publication. 
  • Please provide the statement, "Financial support was provided by the Chester Fritz Library Open Access Fund." 
