CALI, the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, provides over 1,000 interactive tutorials, written by law professors and librarians across the country. The lessons, geared towards law students, cover 40 legal subject areas. CALI lessons are free for member school students to use. Lessons are based on specific legal topics as well as the general law school experience.
CALI is located at
From the top toolbar, you can register for an account and login. To register for an account, you need a valid email and the UND registration code. Please contact the Law Library's reference staff for UND Law's registration code.
Once registered, you can access materials. The most used resources are Lessons and Ebooks.
Lessons cover all 1L topics and most upper level courses. You can search lessons by favorite author, by topic or casebook. Outlines are also useful as you are organizing study materials.
Although not all casebooks are covered in CALI, this year's 1L class Civil Procedure, and the upperclass Professional Responsibilty casebooks are included. Other materials by the same authors of your casebooks are found in Contracts, Criminal Procedure and Evidence.
Sample lesson - Civil Procedure - includes creator infor, description of exercise and expected time to complete.
An explanation of why the answer is correct or incorrect is provided.
Ebooks can be viewed or downloaded to a computer or tablet.
Fun fact: Former UND Prof. Eric Johnson has a two-volume Torts coursebook available in CALI.
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EXTRA: Lawdibles - short podcasts