For example, search for terms such as Forensic Science OR Forensic Toxicology OR Crime Scene Investigation
Need to FIND A BOOK *NOT* @ Chester Fritz Library?
Chester Fritz Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System (LC), an alpha-numeric system, to organize our materials including reference books, DVDs, and popular reading.
General subject areas are shown in the first letter
For example: HV = Social Pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology.
Subsequent letters and numbers narrow the subject area and author to a single book
For example: HV8079.H6 G4 2015
Subclass HV - Social Pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology.
HV 8073-8079.35 - Investigation of Crimes. Examination and identification of prisoners. See the Social Sciences page for details.
Subclass K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence.
K5000-5582 - Criminal law and procedure. See the Law page for details
Subclass RA – Public Health
RA1001-1171 – Forensic medicine. Medical jurisprudence. Legal medicine.
RA1190-1270 – Toxicology. Poisons. See the Medicine page for details.
The entire LC system is available at the Library of Congress.