Included are:
Please reach out to your librarian if there are resources you would like to see added.
There are several guides related to Education that might be useful for you beyond what you'll find here.
We can help!
Research How Tos page on finding and using resources including how to search the library for books, articles, eBooks, and more.
Use WorldCat - Available from QuickLinks. You can search books from anywhere in the country and request Chester Fritz Library borrow that book for you.
This can be helpful if you're having some issues finding resources on a topic where there might be a limited amount of available published literature or if you've found some good articles but they're not the most recent publications.
Look for the Cited By link underneath the article info. This will link you to more currently published material. Look for the PDF or FindIt@UND button to access the articles.
Finding a Dissertation or Theses