Need to FIND A BOOK @ Chester Fritz Library?
- Go to the Library's Web Site and start typing a topic in the Library Search box
- Select "in Books+" from the drop-down options
- To limit your search results to EBOOKS, under "Availability," select "Available online"
- You can use the Advanced Search to limit by material type "Books" and search by "Subject"
Subject Terms
Library of Congress subject headings can be helpful when searching for books available in the library. For example, try searching the library catalog with terms listed below:
- theatre
- theater
- drama
- theatrical
- Monologues
- Performing Arts
- Showbusiness
Need to FIND A BOOK *NOT* @ Chester Fritz Library?
- Use WorldCat - Available from QuickLinks. You can search books from anywhere in the country and request Chester Fritz Library borrow that book for you. If it turns out that the book is available from our library, you'll see . You can have our library borrow a book from another library (called an InterLibrary Loan) by registering and requesting the book here.