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Engl 130: Research Hacks

Refine Your Research

Remember that research refines your understanding of a topic based on a wide variety of sources, and helps you to define key questions in on-going public conversations. 

To be successful you need to collect a larger number of sources, and they need to be more specific than the ones you found with Background Research.

In seeing how a topic is generally discussed, you conduct exploratory research in Academic Search Ultimate and other Ebsco databases.

Consider how your topic has narrowed, what aspect(s) of your topics do most of your current sources discuss, and what do you still want to learn more about.

Using Academic Search Ultimate

Search Tool Links

A Narrower Search Tool such as a subject specific database will help you identify subject experts and "listen in" on their conversations more easily than general databases. Use the Databases A-Z link below:

Broad search tools such as the Library website search will many databases at once.  Since you are developing a more specific idea for your research and refining your broad concept, you may find these deliver more articles:

Working with Academic Articles

By now, you should have an understanding of how to use databases and search engines to find articles.  Now we want to go over how to work with these articles that you've found.  This video explains strategies of how to go about reading these articles, as well as how to use articles to find further resources.


After watching the video, try this hands-on activity.

Using Library Search