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Data Management

The Nelson Memo

On August 25, 2022, the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) issued a memorandum on Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research that will make taxpayer-funded research immediately available for the public to freely access and fully use. The new guidance unlocks more than $90 billion in research that the U.S. government funds each year by calling on all federal agencies to generate policies that eliminate the current 12-month waiting period for access to the outputs of federally funded research, including articles and data. 

2022 Updated OSTP Policy Guidance, SPARC

In light of this guidance, federal grant agencies have worked with OSTP to update their public access and data sharing plans; for a final deadline of December 31, 2025. Consequently, most grant agencies require a data management plan that describes how research data will be preserved and published. For assistance in drafting data management plans or help finding information on grant agency requirements please contact the Digital Initiatives Librarian. 


Agency Requirements

Funding Agency

Timeline to Make Public

Repository Solutions

Public Access Plan

  Article Data Article Repository Data Repository Links to Public Access Plan
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 12 months With article publication PubMed Central Commercial repository PA Plan
Center for Disease Control (HSS)* 12 months With article publication and/or within 30 months of collection

CDC Stacks via NIHMS

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) or CDC WONDER

PA Plan

Food and Drug Administration (HHS)*

12 months With article publication PubMed Central Disciplinary data repositories, where available PA Plan

Institute of Education Science


12 months TBD ERIC None specified or endorsed PA Plan

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

2022 FAQ | 2023 FAQ

12 months With article publication NASA STI Repository NASA archives (see question 16 on FAQ) or other repository PA Plan

National Institutes of Health (HHS)*


12 months With article publication PubMed Central Multiple solutions including NIH-supported repositories PA Plan
National Institute for Standards and Technology 12 months 12 months from article publication PubMed Central via NIST interface EDI registry of datasets PA Plan

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration

12 months 12 months from collection NOAA Institutional Repository, using CDC Stacks Multiple solutions (short term) + NOAA Data Centers (long term) PA Plan

National Science Foundation


12 months TBD NSF Public Access Repository (PAR) An “appropriate repository”

PA Plan


Smithsonian Institution

Directive 609 and 610

12 months 12 months from collection SRO Smithsonian-managed and/or Smithsonian-approved repository PA Plan

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)


Not addressed Within 12 months of publication or patent is pending Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) Development Data Library, or other appropriate repository PA Plan
U.S. Department of Agriculture 12 months TBD PubAg USDA registry of datasets, other repository options PA Plan
U.S. Department of Defense 12 months Within a reasonable time frame

Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)

Public repository

PA Plan

U.S. Department of Energy

FAQ 1 | FAQ 2

12 months With article publication Public Access Gateway for Energy and Science (PAGES) Depends on the office within the DOE PA Plan

U.S. Department of Transportation


12 Months With article publication National Transportation Library Publicly accessible repositories, "Conformant Repositories"  PA Plan

U.S. Geological Survey 


12 months With article publication USGS Publications Warehouse USGS approved repository PA Plan

U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs


12 months TBD PubMed Central Partner with HHS, NIH, FDA, and DoD on “effective mechanisms" PA Plan


Table and information reused with permission, originally by Betty Rozum at Utah State University. Available at