Janet Anderson, MLIS
Montanna Barnett, MLS
Sandi L. Bates, MLIS
Megan Denis, MLIS
Jessica D. Gilbert Redman, MLIS
Devon Olson, MLIS
Sara Westall, MLIS
Do you have questions about how best to use the library's electronic databases? This guide is a work in progress. If you don't find what you're looking for, send us an email and let us know. We can prioritize adding your content. We will continue to add pages for additional databases and enhance existing pages as we find helpful information.
Linking to electronic databases and full-text articles is a little more complicated than simply copying and pasting a link from the browser’s address bar.
Our students will be blocked from accessing a resource by a paywall if they are not asked to login to access a resource: proxied links avoid this issue by prompting students to log in to our subscriptions. If proxied links are not used, the library also loses the ability to track usage of that resource, which could affect our decisions about what subscriptions we keep or remove when using patron usage data as a decision point.
Different databases may call the proxied permalink different things – or may have it located in different places on the page. If you ever have difficulty finding the appropriate link, be sure to Ask a Librarian! We’re here to help. Copy the proxy link on any linked resource (including databases) from the library website. The links on the SMHS Library Resources homepage database lists are all proxied permalinks. We’ve packaged them into friendlier URLs, so you can more easily embed them into your classroom materials.
You will then be able to paste the link into your document, email, or classroom site.
Click the “Permalink” button on databases like CINAHL to get a proxied link for a specific article.
As always if you run into difficulty, Ask a Librarian for help!