Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Nation
Grand Portage Band of Chippewa Indians
Prairie Island Indian Community
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
American Indians and Alaska Natives have extensive histories prior to contact with Europeans, and these may inform modern health practices and issues within these communities even as most health research studies focus on health issues arising from the violence of colonialism and resulting historical trauma.
In recent history (1900 to the present), the way the US interacts with Native American communities has changed enough that a refresher in Native American and US Government relations is advised. Be aware of the role of boarding schools, forced sterilizations and relocations, as well as historical availability of health care.
Center for Rural Health - Native Americans- located in the University of North Dakota's School of Medicine and Health Sciences and focused on serving rural populations. Website lists recent publications and presentations.
Rural Health Information Hub - database collecting resources on rural issues, includes a FAQ on health disparities among American Indians and Alaska Natives and the Indian Health Service, as well as links to other publications
Collaborative Research Center for American Indian Health (CRCAIH) - Helps tribal communities and health professionals plan and perform research addressing the health issues of American Indians in South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota.
Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Mauri - Pimatisiwin - Peer-reviewed, open access, international in scope, with one issue published annually in the spring
IHS Primary Care Provider Newsletter - U.S. Indian Health Service
iPortal Indigenous Studies Portal - Online database of academic articles, theses, and other resources for indigenous studies. Created by the University of Saskatchewan.
*You may need to come back to our library website to search for the full-text version of the resources you find.
Native Health Database - "Health-related articles, reports, surveys, and other resource documents pertaining to the health and health care of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Nations." Created by the University of New Mexico
CINAHL - an academic article database with a health sciences focus
You can search for your topic using CINAHL Subject Headings (sometimes not preferred terminology of specific communities) or combine these terms with other keywords when searching:
Native Americans [NOTE: "For native peoples of the United States and non-Arctic Alaska regions"]
Inuit [NOTE: "Group of culturally similar indigenous peoples of Arctic and near-Arctic Canada, Alaska, and Greenland."
Eskimos [Note: "For genetic and physiological as well as cultural and social discussion of Eskimos."
PubMed - a database of academic articles with a medicine and biomedicine focus
You can search for your topic using Medical Subject headings (MeSH) (sometimes not preferred terminology of specific communities) or combine these terms with other keywords when searching:
"Alaskan Natives"[Mesh]
"American Native Continental Ancestry Group"[Mesh]
"American Indians or Alaska Natives"[Mesh] - NEW TERM - use for articles published in 2022 or later.
- for articles published 1990 to 2021, use "Indians, North American"[Mesh]
"Health Disparity, Minority and Vulnerable Populations"[Mesh]
"Health Services, Indigenous"[Mesh]
"Indians, Central American"[Mesh]
"Indians, North American"[Mesh] - OLD TERM - only used on articles published 1990 to 2021
- for articles published in 2022 or later, use "American Indians or Alaska Natives"[Mesh]
"Indians, South American"[Mesh]
"United States Indian Health Service"[Mesh]