Social Work

Library of the Health Sciences

Print Books at the Chester Fritz Library 

The Social Work print book collection is housed at the Chester Fritz Library on main campus. In order to search this collection, you will need to search the Chester Fritz Library catalog. To browse the collection, visit the Chester Fritz Library and check items out with your student ID card if needed. 

Online books can be found in both Chester Fritz Library and SMHS Library Resources Collections. 

Feel free to contact your Social Work Liaison Librarian with any questions. 


Browse the Print Collection

Chester Fritz Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System (LC), an alpha-numeric system, to organize our materials including reference books, DVDs, and popular reading. 


  • General subject areas are shown in the first letter
    • For example: HV = Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Crimnology.
  • Subsequent letters and numbers narrow the subject area and author to a single book
    • For example: HV636.6 .A63 2012


H Social Science

HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Crimnology.

HV1-9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Crimnology. (subdivided by subtopic). See the Social Sciences page for details.

HV40 - 69 Social service. Social work. Charity organization and practice 

Including social case work, private and public relief, institutional care, rural social work, work relief.

The entire LC system is available at the Library of Congress.