Indigenous Health

national resources

American Indian Health and Diet Project - Includes traditional indigenous recipes
Center for American Indian Health - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Browse publications on Impact page
Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health - Colorado School of Public Health - browse collected publications and projects on topics ranging from elder and child health to HIV and diabetes.
Medline Plus - the consumer-facing version of PubMed, has concise links to various kinds of research on American Indian and Alaska Native populations, including clinical trials
Native American Ethnobotany Database - A database of plants used as drugs, foods, dyes, fibers, and more, by native Peoples of North America, cross-referenced with the USDA Plants Database
National Indian Health Board - The national organization that represents Tribal governments. Their website communicates links to toolkits, guidelines, and ongoing research on various topics such as oral health, zika, diabetes, methamphetamine, suicide, etc.
National Collaborating Center for Indigenous Health - Canada-based, but international in focus, produces environmental scans of indigenous health research and also hosts a database of "research institutes and organizations undertaking Indigenous health research and knowledge translation across Canada and internationally"
National Congress of American Indians Policy Research Center - browse published research, toolkits, presentations, etc.
National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative - browse published research, toolkits, presentations, etc.
National Resource Center on Native American Aging -  browse published research, toolkits, presentations, etc.
The Urban Indian Health Institute - "As a Public Health Authority and one of 12 Tribal Epidemiology Centers in the country—and the only one that serves Urban Indian Health Programs nationwide—UIHI conducts research and evaluation, collects and analyzes data, and provides disease surveillance to strengthen the health of American Indian and Alaska Native communities." located in Seattle, WA, with full-text resources available for download online.