Most databases have search filters for age that allow you to narrow your search to a particular age group, but you can also use search terms to indicate the age group you are researching:
("Housing for the Elderly"[Mesh])
("Health Services for the Aged"[Mesh] )
("Alaskan Natives"[Mesh])
("American Native Continental Ancestry Group"[Mesh])
("Health Services, Indigenous"[Mesh])
("Indians, North American"[Mesh])
("United States Indian Health Service
(MH "Health Services for the Aged")
(MH "Housing for the Elderly")
(MH "Employment of Older Workers")
(MH "Native Americans") [NOTE: "For native peoples of the United States and non-Arctic Alaska regions"]
(MH "Medicine, Native American")
(MH "Inuit") [NOTE: "Group of culturally similar indigenous peoples of Arctic and near-Arctic Canada, Alaska, and Greenland."
(MH "Health Services, Indigenous")
(MH "Eskimos") [Note: "For genetic and physiological as well as cultural and social discussion of Eskimos."