Indigenous Health

Initiatives and Organizations:

Intertribal Buffalo Council

FAST Blackfeet - Food Access and Sustainability Team

First Nations Development Initiative - works to foster various initiatives across the country via grants, scholarships, education

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations - National USDA program organizing many local initiatives across the US

Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee - makes recommendations to the IHS Director on broad-based policy and advocacy priorities for diabetes and related chronic conditions as well as recommends a process for the distribution of Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) funds.



Native American Ethnobotany Database - A database of plants used as drugs, foods, dyes, fibers, and more, by native Peoples of North America, cross-referenced with the USDA Plants Database

American Indian Health and Diet Project - Includes traditional indigenous recipes

Eagle Books - children's books to foster healthy living

Get Fresh Cooking Program - recipe website created by the Chickasaw Nation

Indigikitchen - recipe and education website created by Mariah Blackstone (Blackfeet, Cherokee), member of FAST Blackfeet

Recipes Wrapped with Love - recipe website created by Chickasaw Nation to facilitate food sovereignty and healthy eating



community garden

farmers' market nutrition program

farmer's market voucher

food dessert

food distribution program (FDP)

Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)


Search terms:


"Complementary Therapies"[Mesh]

"Culturally Competent Care"[Mesh]

"Diet, Healthy"[Mesh]



"Alaskan Natives"[Mesh]

"American Native Continental Ancestry Group"[Mesh]

"Health Services, Indigenous"[Mesh]

"Indians, North American"[Mesh]


"Medicine, Traditional"[Mesh]

"United States Indian Health Service"[Mesh]


(MH "Food Security")

(MH "Food Supply")

(MH "Plants, Edible")

(MH "Nutritive Value")

(MH"Traditional Healers")

(MH"Native Americans")  [NOTE: "For native peoples of the United States and non-Arctic Alaska regions"]

(MH"Medicine, Traditional")

(MH"Medicine, Native American")

(MH"Inuit")  [NOTE: "Group of culturally similar indigenous peoples of Arctic and near-Arctic Canada, Alaska, and Greenland."

(MH"Indigenous Peoples")

(MH"Health Services, Indigenous")

(MH"Eskimos") [Note: "For genetic and physiological as well as cultural and social discussion of Eskimos."

Books on nutrition, food sovereignty, and food as traditional medicine
