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MGMT 412: Training and Development

Provides library resources for Managment 412 course

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Training and Development- Educational Aspects

Information about training and conveying a message while teaching

* indicates content available from sources other than the library

  • ERIC
    excellent resource to look up learning objectives and training methods, try searching “employee training” AND “learning objectives”
  • Educator’s Reference Complete
    use same keywords as above to find additional articles

Psychological Aspects
Why do people harass, argue, commit fraud, etc.? Look at research in the field of psychology to discover theories on how humans interact with each other, communicate, and fail to communicate

  • PsycInfo
    contains text of or information for nearly all psychological articles at the library; useful for assessing the person in personnel/human resources

Legal Aspects
Use legal databases and government websites to research current laws and regulations

  • *U.S. Department of Labor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, OSHA, National Labor Relations Board, as well as state and local government websites related to protected class and labor laws.

Practical Aspects

  • Look at other companies, specific training providers, ‘best of’ lists, or award-winning programs

General Human Resources Websites

General Business Research

  • Business Source Ultimate – newspaper articles and trade publications; academic journal articles;  Company Profiles tab offers easiest access to MarketLine Reports (SWOT analyses); company profiles
  • Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage—company & industry profiles and stock analysis
  • Mergent Online - financial data
  • *Company’s website—hint: look for a “corporate” or “investors” section