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Showing 33 Databases

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Provides unlimited access to over 70,000 streaming videos with public performance rights, including documentaries, performances, foreign films, award-winning films, historical footage, training materials, and more.
Journals of the American Economic Association
Covers a broad range of subjects in: fine, decorative and commercial art, design, as well as architecture. Access over 600 full-text journals and 220 full-text books; includes over 63,000 images.
  • Open Access Materials Icon
Open access to over one million e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science, and Economics.
Articles, data, and more on the business, engineering, and regulatory aspects of aerospace. Includes full text of the major publications of the Aviation Week Network, such as Aviation Week and Space Technology.
Provides current, online access to the Bismarck Tribune, including full images and articles from today’s edition.  

Offers instant, searchable access to over 170 books which combine visual inspiration with practical advice on idea generation, research techniques, portfolio development and more, across the main visual arts disciplines. Covers these visual arts disciplines: Fashion & Textiles, Design & Illustration, Photography, Film & Animation, Architecture & Interiors, Marketing & Advertising.

Offers instant, searchable access to a broad range of over 100 reference works, e-books, images, and exhibitions collections. Topics cover design and crafts worldwide, from 1500 BCE to the present day (updated annually).

CQ Researcher is often the first source that librarians recommend when researchers are seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. Each single-themed report is researched and written by a seasoned journalist, footnoted and professionally fact checked. The consistent, reader-friendly organization provides researchers with an introductory overview, which poses and addresses relevant questions; a background and chronology on the topic; an assessment of the current situation; tables and maps; a pro/con debate by representatives of opposing positions; and bibliographies of key sources.

Contains listings for radio and television stations and cable companies. Entries provide addresses, phone & fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and listings of key personnel. Entries for broadcast media also include hours of operation, networks carried, and more. Includes U.S., Canadian, and international media.
Timely access to key economic indicators from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the US Census Bureau provide critical data to those in the business, finance and policy decision making areas.
Full-text access to journals published by Elsevier Science.
  • Thormodsgard Law Library resource
A data collection, data linking, and data dissemination project containing data (last updated 12/31/2022) on all of the more than one-thousand large public companies that have filed bankruptcy cases since October 1, 1979. Coverage includes cases filed under Chapter 7 and Chapter 11, whether filed by the debtors or creditors. NO LONGER UPDATED AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2022.
The database provides detailed information on more than 140,000 U.S. foundations, corporate donors, and grantmaking public charities. It includes detailed descriptions of recipient information for more than 9.5 million grants. You can search for funding opportunities by location, fields of interest, types of support, and type of grantmaker. The website includes online training tools for grantseeking strategies and sample search techniques.

Provides online access to the Grand Forks Herald with a few days delay in the article indexing. If you don’t see the article you want, search the database in case it was an AP newswire article.

IBISWorld offers a range of industry research reports and analysis designed to provide quick, intelligent overviews of thousands of global industries.

Provides information about the IMF, News, Publications (IMF Research Bulletin, Working Papers), World Economic Outlook, Country Information, Standards and Codes and more.
Mergent Archives is an online database featuring a vast, indexed collection of more than a century’s worth of global corporate and industry related documents. This collection contains hundreds of thousands of reports covering over 100 countries and industries. Mergent Archives uses a reliable and easy-to-navigate system designed to meet your historical research needs.
Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, and business professionals. Key focus areas include developing new statistical measurements, estimating quantitative models of economic behavior, and analyzing the effects of public policies.

Access to historical New York Times newspaper, 1851 to present (excluding games and cooking).

Search for funding, potential collaborators, conferences and invited papers, and review examples of awarded grants. Students can also search for relevant opportunities and departments can use Pivot to create scheduled newsletters.

Abstracts and citations to the scholarly literature in the behavioral sciences and mental health. Includes full text articles from journals published by the APA and other top psychology journals.
Full text coverage of over 80 regional business journals, newspapers and newswires from metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
A collection of statistics on social and economic conditions in the United States. NOTE: This is a historical collection. The U.S. Census Bureau terminated the collection of data for the Statistical Compendia program effective October 1, 2011.
The institutional repository is a service of the University of North Dakota libraries. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited by the individual university departments and centers on campus.
Full text of all US patents issued since January 1, 1976, and full-page images of each page of every US patent issued since 1790.
  • Thormodsgard Law Library resource
Legal research database for law practice areas in: intellectual property, labor & employment, litigation, products liability & insurance, property & construction, tax, and transportation. NOTE: Restricted to UND Law School affiliates (law students, faculty, and staff). Contact the Law Library if you need an alternative accessibility plan.
WRDS provides researchers with one location to access over 350 terabytes of data across multiple disciplines including Accounting, Banking, Economics, ESG, Finance, Healthcare, Insurance, Marketing, and Statistics. NOTE: You will need to request a day pass using your email address to access this resource.

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Brian Garrison