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Bibliographic Records : general serials / discrete titles

Catalog according to current rules and standards. Generally this means: assess the nature of the resource and select appropriate cataloging rules and 008 for that, then add fields appropriate to the electronic format.

For complete cataloging and tagging of electronic resources see Cataloging Web Sites: Chester Fritz Library Guidelines

In 2002 a change in PCC (CONSER) cataloging policy took place.


AACR2 2002 amendments, see: AACR2 2002 amendments Hirons-ALA02.doc
For discussion of "Option B plus" (one record for an online journal) proposal:

In 2007 CONSER made changes to its standard record (formerly Access-level). The citations here cover 2007-2010. It is considered a base. Additional information and fields can be added as locally determined to be necessary.
Mandatory elements:
CONSER Standard Record:
Field by field guidelines: 
Cheat Sheet: 
Presentation, select ALA MW 2007:

2007/2/15 - Change to policy: Chester Fritz will follow CONSER standards as a base level for serials. Local or �special� materials may receive an increased level of cataloging according to cataloging standards. Local practice for 022, 590, and 856 change; 776, 773 will continue.

In 2013 CONSER issued the CONSER Core RDA elements

CONSER Standard indicated in commonly used fields in the table below with CONSER. It also applies to remaining two tables. NOTE: This has not been updated for RDA


008 Form: s - electronic "form" of a serial. 
CONSER: Conf Regl Freq are Optional; 008/22 required only for original microforms. NOTE: You will get an OCLC validation error by leaving these blank.
006 Additional material characteristics. Use on records with Type other than "m". Allows for search limiting by format. In OCLC, select Edit, then Field 006.
CONSER: Only $a required
007 Physical description. Allows for search limiting by format. 
CONSER: Only $a and $b required
022 ISSN
041 Language of text
CONSER: Only $a required. NOTE: Make notes in 546 about summaries, translations, etc.
043 Optional except, n-us-nd or n-us-mn
050-090 Call number. Classification serves as a topic identifier. Classification assigned to an electronic resource will display within a browse list of call numbers. Multiple classifications assigned to an item work to identify the topic of the resources. Where print and electronic titles are the same, the same call number will be used for both. Federal documents will be assigned SUDOC numbers when they can be readily identified. All other titles will be assigned LC classification. However, extraordinary effort should not be made to differentiate cutters since the call numbers are not used for shelving.
  1. Use SUDOC for federal documents when known
  2. Use LC for all other documents
049 UND7
1XX Main Entry; 100-111 not common for journals.
CONSER: If a title is distinctive, enter under title. If issued by a corporate body and the title consists solely of words indicating type or periodicity, enter under corporate body.
130 Uniform title. Conflict resolution 25.5B stipulates addition of qualifiers [See at bottom]. Practice has been to record the print version title of electronic journal qualified with "(Online)" 
CONSER: Not required to differentiate from another serial. NOTE: Create only for monographic series and generic titles entered under title (words indicating type or periodicity) i.e. NO Title (Online)
CFL: Create 730 rather than 130 on records for online titles that are the same as the print title.
240 Uniform title. If a 1XX is present, may add (Online) 
CONSER: Do not create for translations or language editions. NOTE: Make added entry instead (730/740) 
GPO: Exception, create 775.
245 Title #h [electronic resource]. Based on earliest issue/iteration of the title. 
CONSER: 245 $b Other title information - Not required. NOTE: Option: transcribe if needed to clarify or support title proper.
CONSER: 245 $b Parallel title, initialism/acronym - Not required. NOTE: Record instead in 246, with indicators 31 and 30 respectively.
246 Variant titles; source code title [no period] Online presentation may have additional titles.
CONSER: Code all indicators 13. NOTE: Exceptions: Parallel title - 246 11. Minor titles changes - code 1 [blank] $i [note] $a [variant title]
250 Edition statement
260 Place : Publisher, date. 1.4 D4. Publisher name can no longer be abbreviated, e.g. "The Dept."; it must be transcribed as on the item.
CONSER: 260 $a - Record only first place if readily available. If not readily available for online serials, supply [S.l.]. 
CONSER: 260 $c - Not required. Supply insted in 362 1 unformated note.
300 Physical description. 
GPO: Use only $a and $e. NOTE: GPO will add following GPO Abridged Cataloging Guidelines. Use 1 v. : $b digital, PDF file if an electronic document is a PDF document or 300 $a 1 electronic text : $b HTML file a document is an HTML document.
310 Frequency
321 Former frequency. 
CONSER: Not required. NOTE: If updating copy, follow established CONSER practice.
362 0 Enumeration/Chronology as published. 
Originally, if online differed from print, this represented the online. With expanding coverage on web sites, it was decided to match print enum/chron and use 362 1 "Pring began with ..." 
12.3B1/C1 "...give it in the same terms, but not necessarily the same punctuation..." CONSER will use slash to represent two or more years of coverage; example: 1999/2000. 
12.3 C4. Numeric/alphabetic and chronological designations : "... if the designation consists of a year and a number that is a division of the year, give the year before the number. Example: 97/1- or 1998-1- ; if the publication lacks chronology, record the enumeration year as chronology; example: 1997, 1 (Jan./Mar. 1997)-
12.3 D1.If the first issue is unnumbered but known, supply the designation in brackets; example: [no. 1 (2000)]-
12.3G. Changes in numbering. If a new sequence of numbering appears unaccompanied by words such as "new series", supply [new ser.] or equivalent.
CONSER: Do not use NOTE: This is contrary to RDA.
362 1 For online version of print when online is not comprehensive.
  • 362 1 Coverage as of Oct 12, 1998: v.39, no. 3 (July 1998)-
  • Print began with v. 1 (1998).
CONSER: Always use 362 1. NOTE: Use format "Began ... " and transcribe data as found. Standard abbreviations not required.
4XX Series. If the series changes during the life of the serial, use multiple 4XX/8XX's preceded by coverage dates, e.g. 1985-1999: 
CONSER: Supply only the authorized form of the series name in the bibliographic record, using the 8XX field. NOTE: If series authority records exist or are being established and/or updated in the national authority file, it is not required to transcribe a series statement or note. Record variant forms of the series title in authority record. Rather than repeated 4XX, use 500 note. If no series authority, transcribe series (490 0) so usage can be documented. 
GPO: Series treatment (440, 490, 830 MARC fields) - LSCM will continue to add series information to the CONSER Standard Records it creates for U.S. Government serials and will continue to establish and contribute series authorities to NACO.
500 General notes. 
CONSER: Always record: Sources of title; latest issue consulted, if applicable. NOTE: Transcribe designation as found (standard abbreviations not required)
538 System requirements: e.g. PC, sound card, etc. Mandatory for local access electronic resources. Use for remote when unusual equipment is needed. 
CONSER: 538 For direct access resources: NOTE: Only required: type of operating system, type of PC if necessary
CONSER: 538 For remote access resources: NOTE: Only required if resources is accessed other than by World Wide Web. When using copy that includes outdated 538 information replace when new information is known, or delete.
515 Numbering peculiarities. 
CONSER: Optional. NOTE: Option: use to record changes in numbering, new series, etc.
516 Type of computer file or data note. Additional info to 256; ex: PDF, TIFF, etc.
506 Restrictions on access. Correlate with 856 #z
  • Example: Full-text available to subscribers only
  • Example: Restricted to institutions with electronic subscription
500 Description based on: vol. 39, no. 3 (July 1998); title from journal information screen (viewed on Oct. 12, 1998)
500 Notes
500 Title from ___
530 Additional Physical Form.
  • Example: Online version of print journal.
  • Example: Also available in print.
CONSER: Not required. NOTE: Use 776 $i instead when record for the other format exists.
CFL: Record valid URLs for the resource for materials the library is not licensed to access or for which another authenticated URL is used on the online record. Use on print serial records or on records with print and online combined in single record.
  • Example: Also available online: $u
  • GPO example: Also available via Internet from the __ web site (PDF file only). Address as of ___: http://...; current access is available via PURL
546 Language note. 
CONSER: Record information about translations. NOTE: Main or multiple languages of the text are recorded in 041 $a subfields. Other language information about summaries, table of contents, etc. are recorded in 546.
550 Issuing body note. 
CONSER: Not required. NOTE: Enter 11X/71X fields for corporate bodies. Assume usage is being recorded in the name authority record. exception: if no authority record is being created/updated, then create note.
580 Linking entry complexity note. 
CONSER: Not required. NOTE: Use linking entries whenever possible.
6XX Subjects appropriate to topic.
655 7 Genre. $2 -- If LCSH is used as genre: 655 _0 and no $2
7XX Added entries
71X Corporate bodies entries. 
CONSER: Justification not required in description.
730/740 Added title entry fields. 
CONSER: Not required to enter 730/740 that duplicate linking field access points.
CFL: Exception, create 730 rather than 130 on records for online titles that are the same as the print title. OCLC definition: 730 is used to collocate records; use field 730 in AACR2 cataloging for serials uniform titles to differentiate items published under an identical title proper. CONSER allows for this local practice.
76X-78X Linking fields. 
CONSER: Record as usual. NOTE: Exception 773, 774, or 787 fields not required. 
CFL: Exception, use 773 for aggregated online journals and 773/774 for serials in archival collections.
776 0 Additional Physical Form entry. #t Title, #x ISSN, #w (OCoLC)nnnn Use indicator 0 for PALS display when we hold/have access to the title. CONSER default is 1.
780/785 Preceding/Succeeding
8XX Series
856 URL. $u http://.. May be preceded by: $3 Materials specified and/or $z Note: 
CONSER: Use only generally-accessible URI's (URL's)

856 #z Examples of notes (some variation is expected as per circumstances)

Current issue(s) only: Select under Publications, Journals: We are a subscriber Available to Library patrons: Current issues available to Library patrons: [older issues may be in print in the library] Back issues available to Library patrons: [i.e. current issues are not] Full-text available only to Library patrons; contents and abstracts free: Password required; ask at Reference Desk: We are not a subscriber Table of contents and abstracts: [these are free, but full-text requires subscription] Current issues available only to subscribers; back issues available via: Available only to subscribers, current issue: [current issue is free]

Aggregators / discrete aggregated serials

Serials available from commercial aggregators or publisher's collective web page.

Follow basic cataloging rules outlined in Cataloging Web Sites and General serials guidelines above with the assumption that records representing titles in aggregator databases do no need to be fully cataloged to be functional. Consider PCC's Interim report.

CONSER guidelines for aggregator-neutral records (8/29/03) with CFL application notes:


06 Blvl b - only for aggregated titles with serial record for agregator
008 Form: s - electronic "form" of a serial
008 Dates: Original publication dates
006 Additional material characteristics. Use on records with Type other than "m". Allows for search limiting by format. In OCLC, select Edit, then Field 006.
007 Physical description, usually use: c #b r #d m #e n; may also be: c #b r #d c #e n
022 0_ ISSN [Official online ISSN] 
022 $a Valid ISSN assigned for the format being cataloged. If the online has no separate ISSN and the online is using the Print ISSN, this will be the print ISSN (common for PDF). If it changes later, this should be updated.
022 $y Incorrect ISSN � Any recorded incorrect ISSN. If the online has a separate ISSN recorded in $a, this will include the print ISSN and any other invalid ISSNs.
022 __ 2nd ISSN tag. Discontinued 2007/2/15. Not normally repeated, but additional 022 was added to allow linking by ISSN from databases using a different ISSN.
090 Call number: use same as print. Assign LCC as appropriate to topic.
049 UND7
130 Print version title of electronic journals is usually qualified with " (Online) ", unless online title is different.
245 Title #h [electronic resource]. Based on earliest issue/iteration of the title.
246 Variant titles [no period !]; same as print in ODIN
260 Place : Publisher, date.
310 Frequency. Use current frequency as determined from online issues.
362 0 Enumeration/Chronology of original. Fixed field must correspond.
362 1 For online version of print when online is not comprehensive.
  • 362 1 Coverage as of Oct 12, 1998: v.39, no. 3 (July 1998)-
  • Print began with v. 1 (1998).
538 Mode of access: World Wide Web. Optionally, URL: http://...[original publisher's URL]
516 Type of computer file: Full-text (electronic journal); unless better note already on record.
506 Restrictions on access. Use: Restricted to institutions with electronic subscription; unless better note on record.
500 Notes
530 Additional Physical Form: Online version of print journal.
541 Consortial $c NDUS subscription
590 General use discontinued 2007/2/15. Additional ISSN fields included to accomodate database linking: Print: 1234-5678 Online: 9876-5432
6XX Subjects. Same as print in ODIN. Assign LCSH as appropriate to topic.
655 7 Electronic journals. $2 lcsh
655 7 Genre. $2 -- If LCSH is used as genre: 655 _0 and no $2
7XX Added entries
730 0_/740 _0 Host/aggregator title entry: Use 730 for named aggregating Web site; use 740 if UND creates a name for a consortial purchase.
773 0 Host item entry: $t Title $x ISSN $w (OCoLC)nnn
776 0 Additional Physical Form: $t Title, $x ISSN, $w (OCoLC)nnnn Use indicator 0 for PALS display when we hold/have access to the title.
780/785 Preceding/Succeeding
856 URL example: $3 2001- $z Available to library patrons: $u
URL example: $z Available to library patrons. User id: ...; Password: ... $u
856 856 40 � URL on online bibliographic record will be updated to current access along with $3 and $z according to local policy.
856 41 � URL on print or microform will not be updated. On new records a URL that links to the web page will be retained on the record. Full re-updating discontinued 2007/2/15


NOTE: In situations where multiple URLs (856s) could be used to access an electronic resource, use the most direct one(s). In particular EBSCO online URLs that switch to publisher's site is less direct than accessing the publishers site if we have access rights, use only the publisher's site. Less direct URLs may be put in 530. For free and/or government documents, use $u.

Integrating / integrating web sites and serials

Integrating web sites and journals with title changes presented together under one title on a web page.

Follow basic cataloging rules outlined in Cataloging Web Sites and General serials guidelines above. These documents address "integrating resources" issues as of 2002.

Consult:  Integrating resources: a cataloging manual /

A prototype PCC training resource, text in Word: PCC-SerialsTrainingPrototype.doc
2002 Revision of AACR2 and LC Implementation
AACR2 Revision : Impact on Updating Looseleafs
2002 Revision of AACR2 : Impact on Integrating Remote Access Electronic Resources

Note: Use a Serials 008


06 Type Common:
a - language material, includes electronic
m - computer file
06 Blvl i - for integrating web sites or multiple title changes of a serial presented on one entitled web page
008 Form: s - electronic "form"
008 Freq: k - continuously updated
008 Entry Convention: Three choices: 
0 = successive
1 = latest (pre-AACR2)
2 = Integrated entry
008 Type of Continuing Resource: Revised as:
m = monographic
n = newspaper
p = periodical
d = updating database
l = updating looseleaf
w = updating web site
008 Dates: Based on first and/or last iteration; give both when available
006 Additional material characteristics. Use on records with Type other than "m". Allows for search limiting by format. In OCLC, select Edit, then Field 006.
007 Physical description, usually use: c #b r #d m #e n; may also be: c #b r #d c #e n
020 ISBN If both ISBN and ISSN listed for a resource, include both.
022 0_ ISSN [Official online ISSN]
022 __ 2nd ISSN tag. Discontinued 2007/2/15. Not normally repeated, but additional 022 was added to allow linking by ISSN from databases using a different ISSN.
090 Call number: Assign as appropriate to the topic.
049 UND7
130 Utilize uniform title to distinguish titles.
245 Title #h [electronic resource]. Based on latest issue/iteration of the title. Change if title changes for essentially the same work. Add 247 for former title.
246 Variant titles [No period !]
247 Earlier title. [No period!]
250 If statement is added, changed, deleted, change the record unless the edition information indicates a new work, hence requiring a new record. LCRI 12.2F1: New record if edition statement changes and: a) for updating loose-leafs: if there is a new base volume (in toto replacement), but not if a gradual replacement with no new base volume; b) for updating remote access e-resources: only if resource described in existing record continues to exist as a resource separate from new resource to be cataloged.
256 Type and Extent of Electronic Resources. NOT being used for "regular" online resources.
260 Place : Publisher, date. Change to reflect current information. May use repeating 260 fields, but NOT in use at this time. Date subfield: If the first and/or last iteration is available, give the beginning and/or ending dates in this area. If first/last iteration is not available, do not give the date(s) in this area. Use a hyphen between dates.
Known dates:
260 New York : $b Corona, $c 1997- 
Unknown/Uncertain dates:
260 New York : $b Corona
362 1 Begain in 1997 [date ascertainable but not stated]
362 1 Began in 1990's [date not ascertainable]
362 1 Began in late 1990's or early 2000's.
Repeating 260 to identify publisher changes:
260 2 $3 1980-May 1993 $a London : $b Vogue
260 3 $3 June 1993- $a London : $b Elle
310 Frequency. State current frequency. Examples:
310 Updated frequently
310 Continuously updated
310 Updated irregularly, $b 2001-
321 Former frequency. Example:
321 Frequency of updates varies, $b -2001
362 0 Enumeration/Chronology for serials.
362 1 For multiple titles of a serial on one entitled web page, give total coverage.
  • 362 1 Coverage as of Oct 12, 1998: v.39, no. 3 (July 1998)-
  • 310 Continuously updated, $b <2001- 
    321 Updated weekly, $b 1999-<2001>
    362 1 Began in 1999.
    500 Title from title screen (viewed May 28, 2001)
4XX Series. 
If the series changes for a web site, change to match latest iteration.
If the series changes during the life of a serial, a) for print/discrete: use multiple 4XX/8XX's with 4XX preceded by coverage dates; b) for remote/integrating: use current 4XX/8XX; if important or traced in local library, add 500 note for previous series, and retain former 8XX.
440 0 1982-1990: Bulletin
440 0 1991- : Reports 
440 0 Reports
500 Formerly issued in series Bulletin
830 0 Bulletin
538 Mode of access: World Wide Web.
516 Type of computer file. Full-text (electronic journal); unless better note already on record. Not generally used for regular online journals.
506 Restrictions on access. Use: Restricted to institutions with electronic subscription; unless better note on record.
500's Bibliographic History and Relationship Note. Note important relationships between the resource being described and other related resources such as: Continuations, Mergers, Splits, Absorptions, Translations, Supplements, Simultaneous editions. Use notes when situation is unclear or complex; use corresponding 76X-78X fields.
500's Other notes
530 Additional Physical Form: Online version of print journal.
541 Consortial $c NDUS subscription
590 General use discontinued 2007/2/15. Additional ISSN fields included to accomodate database linking: Print:1234-5678 Online:9876-5432
6XX Subjects. Assign as appropriate to topic.
655 7 Genre. $2 -- If LCSH is used as genre: 655 _0 and no $2
7XX Added entries. Make changes to reflect new "authors" on latest iteration. Retain entries for past iterations. Change 1XX to new name [when appropriate], add 550 and dates of change, and 7XX for earlier responsible person or body.
776 0 Additional Physical Form: $t Title, $x ISSN, $w (OCoLC)nnnn Use indicator 0 when we hold/have access to the title.
76X-78X Create as appropriate.
780/785 Preceding/Succeeding
856 URL: $z Available to library patrons: $u

Licensing details of thousands of e-journals:

Serial Order and Subscription Records : General

Bib record: Call number:
     SUDOC if depository
     LC classification for all others; use same call number for equivalent of print title
ISSN: use online ISSN in 1st 022, print in 2nd and include 590 note
Shelflist: UND7

Order/subscription records: Status:
     Active = we have access
     Inactive = we no longer have access; close subscription dates, change HOL 4 to 5 if still published or 2 if not published.
Order Type: as appropriate (Serial or Standing Order; Integrating - treat as serial)
Sublibrary: UNDMA
Collection: WWW
Item status:
     41 = free
     40 = subscription 
Material type: Order and Items are different. See:
Stat class:
     003 = serial paid
     For other stat classes, check WWW at: 
Triggers: can set date for an alert about renewal, etc.
     Dept: SER
     Trigger date: date 3 months prior to expiration
Controlling location: In checkin note, use MAIN, SER, GOVD, SPEC. Shelvling location is identified by Sublibrary, e.g. UNDPD
Claiming: None. Can use Triggers
Jobber ID: Enter number for title from vendor in Vendor Order ID: 
Budget: As appropriate
Material type: Order and Items are different. See:

Order - Library note: about the order

Checkin Note: information alerts for checkin
Note: note about the subscription is added to Internal note on every item
Invoice note: (on Item) comes from Invoice Line item note

Vendor: Additional Code, Vendor Info tab1 use for PeopleSoft number for the vendor
Additional order numbers:

ACS ESRC American Chemical Society consortia
ACS ESRC ENE American Chemical Society consortia - Energy's title
AMS ESRC American Meteorological Society
BRIN DE ESRC EBSCO title but not available through EBSCO Online. Periodical that we receive online access to because of the BRIN Grant.
CONSORT ESRC Gift subscription that is accessible free through EBSCO Online
DE ESRC EBSCO title but not available through EBSCO
DIREC C ESRC Direct vendor ASCE Journals
DIREC M ESRC Direct vendor ASME journals
DIRECT ESRC Direct vendor
EBSCO G ESRC Title that we do not have a subscription to. Free, but we can access it through EBSCO Online
EBSCO L ESRC Lawrence Erlbaum (Print titles we pay an additional percent for online access)[2001-2002 was free; 2003-2004 extra charge; 2005 Mary will re-evaluate price increase] [EBSCO LAW ERL ERSRC in Decision note
EBSCO 0 ESRC (OUP) Oxford University Press. (Print titles we pay an additional percent for online acces) [EBSCO OUP ESRC will be Decision note]
EBSCO P ESRC Titles that we are paying extra for online access. (Example: Soil Science Society of America journal) Online used to be free, no longer free, went up to $.. to get print/online access.
EBSCO R ESRC (NRC) ND National Research Council Press consortia
EBSCO X ESRC Emerald Consortia titles, but also access thru EBSCO
EBSCO Z ESRC Elsevier ScienceWeb Direct
S EBSCO ESRC Standing order
ED ESRC Access through EBSCO direct (ex: IEEE spectrum)
EHC History Cooperative. EBSCO link is to publisher
ESIG PsycArticles through MINITEX
GIFT ESRC Periodical gift
JSTOR ESRC Five years backfiles
KLUWER ESRC Titles through Kluwer
MUSE ESRC Project Muse titles
PSYC DB ESRC PsycArticles Database
SCIDIR ESRC Scient Direct
SOB ESRC BNA standing order titles
SO BRIN ESRC Standing order we receive online access to because of BRIN grant. Includes Annual review titles
SO DIRE ESRC Standing order direct vendor


Item Records

Barcode: use system-supplied number
Sublibrary: UNDMA
Collection: WWW
Material type: Order and Items are different. See:
Item status:
     41 = free
     40 = subscription 
Item statistic [Stat class]:
     003 = serial paid
     For other stat classes, check WWW at: