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North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG)


United States ISSN Center


Serials Cataloging

AACR2 and Seriality


Abbreviations in Series Numbering and Edition StatementsRDA See 2.12.9; numbering in subseries 24.6; subscripts/superscripts entered on liine 1.4; record numbers in form as it appears (4xx); 830 - follow authority record instructions, e.g. change roman to arabic LCRI:


Aggregator report - 3 PCC Standing Committee on Automation (SCA). Second Task Group on Journals in Aggregator Databases. Final report, Jan. 2000


CONSER Cataloging Manual


CONSER Record Requirements


CONSERline Home Page CONSER newsletter


CONSER's Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program (SCCTP)


Differences Between, Changes Within : Guidelines on When to Create a New Record / ALCTS Document ALCTS members can access the document for no charge.


Electronic journals : a Selected Resource Guide An overview and summary of resources on issues relating to electronic journals, covering such topics as technical standards, legal and business issues, scholarly publishing issues, preservation and archiving, and cutting-edge topics.


Integrating Resources: a cataloging manual / BIBCO


Online Resources for Serials Catalogers Library of Congress's links to many resources for serials catalogers.


Serials Cataloging Issues


SERU: Shared Electronic Resource Understanding Publishers wishing to sell some or all of their products using a SERU approach and libraries wishing to use SERU in acquiring content from selected publishers will be able to sign up on a NISO registry to indicate their willingness to forego a license agreement and rely on the shared expectations expressed in the statements of shared understanding. 
Web site Document


Tools for Serials Catalogers [at Vanderbilt]


Use of Fixed Fields 006/007/008 and leader codes in CONSER records

Serial-Monograph-Integrating? Single-Separate?

(adapted from CONSER, MARBI, PCC, etc. documents)



Bibliographic Resource: An expression or manifestation of a work or an item that forms the basis for bibliographic descripton. A bibliographic resource may be tangible or intangible.

Monographic or static or finite: resources that are complete as first issued. Assumes a predetermined conclusion. E.g. books, maps, sound records, multi-volume sets, software, electronic texts, etc.


a) Finite Resource: No definition in

AACR; by implication the opposite of "continuing".
b) Monograph: A bibliographic resource that is complete in one part or intended to be completed in a finite number of parts.
c) Finite Integrating Resource: a bibliographic resource issued over time with a predetermined conclusion; intended to be completed within a finite number of parts or iterations.

Continuing resource: a bibliographic resource that is issued over time with no predetermined conclusion. Continuing resources include serials and ongoing integrating resources.

a) Serial: a continuing resource issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion. Examples of serials include journals, magazines, electronic journals, continuing directories, annual reports, newspapers, and monographic series.
b) Integrating/Continuing Integrating Resource: a bibliographic resource issued over time in a series of iterations with no predetermined conclusion that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole. Examples include updating loose-leafs and updating Web sites.


Three major types of Integrating Resources


  1. Updating Loose-leaf: a bibliographic resource that consists of a base volume(s) updated by separate pages, which are inserted, removed, and/or substituted
  2. Updating Database: a database is a collection of logically interrelated data stored together in one or more computerized files, usually created and managed by a database management system.
  3. Updating Web Site: a Web site that is updated, but does not fit into one of the other Type of Continuing Resource categories

c) Iteration: an instance of an integrating resource, either as first published or after it has been updated.

     77X relational fields

a) if only electronic exists: catalog it for its content and add coding and tags for electronic, 530 and 856_41
b) equivalent content: both print and electronic are the same (nearly "exact"); different physical manifestation but with equivalent content; e.g. a PDF file

Ongoing (including serials)
a) if only electronic exists: catalog it for its content and add coding and tags for electronic, incl. 006 & 007
b) equivalent content: both print and electronic are the same (nearly "exact"); different physical manifestation but with equivalent content; e.g. a PDF file
c) GPO single-record copy only is available

TWO RECORDS  Preferred at CFL
a) not same in print (or other format) and electronic; e.g. images not included; content and/or presentation of electronic differs from print - include 530, and 776 and 856 with appropriate indicators on each to create links, and any appropriate 7XX relator field
b) print version may be serial, but online is a database coded Blvl: m and DtSt: m; e.g. membership directories

Ongoing (including serials) 
a) content of electronic resources differs significantly from print 
     1) Aggregator databases that aggregate, or bring together, full text of journal articles from a number of publishers
     2) Subject-based aggregators usually present a searchable database. Usually these databases contain full-text or selected articles with illustrations, brief articles, and other features often omitted. The concept of "issues" no longer exists and the concept of chief source is not appropriate.
b) resource undergoes a change in format usually from print to electronic; print is discontinued and replaced by online
c) print is replaced by online, but with some overlap; use separate records but use single-record conventions to describe the existence of overlapping issues
     1) Print:
          580 Issues for __ also available online; later issues online 
     2) Online:
          362 1 Online coverage as of __ [today's date]: v.__ 
          580 Issues for __ also available in print
d) resource is a database or website equivalent to more than one print resources in includes significant new material
e) resource has substantially different or additional content; use 775 other added entry or 787 non-specific relationship entry and 856 42 related publication link
f) original text cannot be definitively identified
g) separate records for aggregated titles make database maintenance easier and can be done by staff with modest training or be automated
h) serial vendor identification numbers usually vary for print alone, electronic alone, and print and electronic together
i) separate ISSN numbers are assigned for online titles that vary in content or title from the original print
j) although GPO policy is to use one record, many instances of separate records exist
k) union listing cannot be automated if multiple formats are on one bibliographic record

Integrated Entry
a) Existing bibliographic record is changed to describe current ieration of the resource.

  • Most areas of description based on latest iteration.
  • Different data elements of previous iterations entered in notes if required or considered important.

b) New bibliographic record is created only for certain changes in edition, mergers, splits, or when there is a new work. (Changes in physical medium still under consideration).
c) Bibliographic records for integrating resources will therefore require ongoing maintenance.
d) MARC Leader 07 (Bibliographic level) new code: i
e) MARC variable fields new for monographic integrating resources:

  • 247 - former title
  • 310 - frequency of updates
  • 362 1 - dates of publication when not first/last iteration
  • 550 - issuing body information


Related Sites

a) Partial information.
          1) Some related sites are appropriately cited by provision of 856 41 #3 in the print record. These often do not warrant their own record. These include sites containing indexes, table of contents, abstracts, selected articles, supplementary information.
          2) Only current issue is available
          3) Table of contents and/or abstracts are available, but subscription or a fee-per-article is required for full-text access
b) Other
Related resources are cited using 856 42 in the print (or appropriate record). E.g. home page for an organization on a record for its newsletter.


Federal documents

     GPO began cataloging all versions of a publication using the single record approach. In recent years, whenever more than one version exists, GPO usually catalogs each format separately. GPO also does excellent maintenance, keeping PURLS up to date, noting sites no longer available, etc. 



a) Single-record approach assumes both print and electronic will undergo the same changes. If library holdings change to only one format or the other, or has access to several electronic sites for one title, each field in the record has to be evaluated to determine which fields need to be stripped or changed. Records can become very large and potentially confusing. Inclusion in union lists and ILL practice is confusing.
b) Separate records are more specific and precise. They can be simply deleted if one of the formats is discontinued or withdrawn. The titles often include "online" and are therefore visible in OPAC displays. It is clearer which title can be used in ILL and union lists. Serial checkin is based on bib records; electronic are not checked in but may be paid for and handled differently than the print subscription both by the library and the vendor.

Latest vs. successive entry 
a) Successive for successively-issued 
     1) serials in print or other physical media
     2) series
     3) use if earlier titles are retained
b) Latest for integrating
     1) loose-leafs
     2) additive databases
     3) web sites 
     4) use if only latest title appears in the site

Title changes 
a) Major change results in new bibliographic record
     1) corporate body main entry or qualifier
     2) physical format
b) Minor change is one recorded on the same bibliographic record
     1) numbering changes back to same
     2) edition statement (when used as enumeration)
     3) place qualifier (place only changes)
     4) words indicating type of publication (e.g. newsletter, magazine) that are added or dropped at the end of the title of a periodical
     5) first 3, rather than 5 words
     6) disregard words like "welcome to" or "so-and-so presents"

     If the publisher later changes, a third statement may be added, or the second publishing statement may be changed, depending on desired practice.

260 Dates
     Dates not given if not known. CONSER practice is to not include $c