A one-character code that indicates the level-of-specificity of the holdings statement. Codes 1, 2, 3, and 4 reflect the requirements of Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items (ANSI/NISO Z39.71) formerly Serial Holdings Statements (ANSI/NISO Z39.44)) and Holdings Statements for Non-Serial Items (ANSI/NISO Z39.57) and codes 1, 2, and 3 reflect the requirements of Levels 1, 2, and 3 of Holdings Statements-Summary Level (ISO 10324). The MARC content designators given in the description of each holdings level are the ones required by Z39.71. Optional data elements for each level are not mentioned here; they are given in each standard. A single-part item holdings statement is normally recorded at level 1. A multipart or serial item holdings statement may be recorded at any level.
When holdings information is embedded in a USMARC bibliographic record, this informationmay be contained in field 841 $e (Encoding level) of field 841 (Holdings Coded Data Values), which is also embedded in the bibliographic record.
Physical piece designation is contained in subfield p (Piece designation) of field 852 (Location) or one of the 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology fields, or in subfield $a (Textual holdings) in one of the 866-868 Textual Holdings fields.
1 - Holdings level 1
Code 1 indicates that the holdings statement is formulated according to level I of the applicable standard. Minimally, it consists of an item identifier for the bibliographic item for which holdings are recorded and a location identifier. The item identifier may be contained in one of the following fields:
The location identifier is contained in subfield $a (Location) of field 852 (Location).
2 - Holdings level 2
Code 2 indicates that the holdings statement is formulated according to level 2 of the applicable standard. Minimally, in addition to the requirements for level 1, it includes a code in each of the following 008 (Fixed-Length Data Elements) and, when appropriate, 007 (Physical Description Fixed Field) character positions:
3 - Holdings level 3
Code 3 indicates that the holdings statement is formulated according to level 3 of the applicable standard. Minimally, in addition to the requirements for level 2, it includes summary holdings information, that is, holdings at the first level of enumeration and chronology, in one or more of the following holdings data fields:
4 - Holdings level 4
Code 4 indicates that the holdings statement is formulated according to level 4 of the applicable standard. Minimally, in addition to the requirements for level 2, it includes detailed holdings information, that is, the first and all subsequent levels of enumeration and chronology in either itemized or compressed form or a combination of the two, in one or more of the 853-855 Captions and Pattern, 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology, and 866-868 Textual Holdings fields.
5 - Holdings level 4 with piece designation
Code 5 indicates that, in addition to the requirements for Level 4, the holdings statement includes information that identifies a single physical part in subfield p (Piece designation) in an 852 (Location) field, in subfield $p (Piece designation) in an 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology field or in subfield $p (Piece designation) in an 876-878 Item Information field, or in subfield a (Textual holdings) in an 866-868 Textual Holdings field.
$p - Piece designation
Subfield $p contains an identification of a single piece when the holdings information does not contain an 863-865 (Enumeration and Chronology) or 876-878 (Item Information) field that contains a subf ield $p (Piece designation). The designation may be an identification number such as a bar code number or an accession number.
Basically, my understanding of Enc/L 5 is that your barcode number or accession number is contained somewhere on the MFH record. Since most people use the item record to hold the barcode number, you would not use Enc/L 5 on your MHF record.[review]
One character code that indicates whether item information is in the record, contained in one or more occurrences of fields 876-878 (Item Information fields).