GPO Abridged standard is indicated in commonly used fields in the table below with GPO. CFL practice is listed with CFL. For field information not listed, follow standard cataloging practice. If existing or cloned records contain fields that say to "omit", retain them - do not delete.
008 | Fixed Field. GPO: Elvl = k. Optional fields fields are NOT used: Audn, Biog, Cont, LitF, Ills, and Indx |
006 | Additional material characteristics. In OCLC, select Edit, then Field 006. GPO: Use on records for electronic resources CFL: Exception, use on all records as appropriate to create OPAC Format display |
007 | Physical description. Allows for search limiting by format. GPO: Not for Type "a" or "m", except use "a" on microforms; use on Type "g, i, j" CFL: Exception, use $a and $b on all records as appropriate to create OPAC Format display |
034 | Mathematical Data. GPO: Omit from original records. CFL: This assumes maps in Exceptions list will never fall into the items listed in the Abridge list. If they do, add 034; can't update OCLC with 255 without adding 034 |
043 | Geographic area code. GPO: Omit from original records. CFL: If ND or Minn, use n-us-nd or n-us-mn |
074 | GPO item number - mandatory. |
086 | SUDocs class. GPO: Mandatory. Incorrectly assigned SuDocs class number are recorded in subfield "z". |
088 | Report number. GPO: Omit. If used in accordance with GPO full-level, record in 027. |
049 | OCLC code CFL: See: Collection coding (Statistical classes) |
1XX | Main Entry. GPO: Confirm all headings in NACO. Personal names not found, transcribe from publication. Corporate bodies must have NACO. Only persons responsible for content are recorded in 100 (includes principle investigators, but not program directors) |
130 | Uniform title. GPO: Omit. I.e. for single-part monograph or not-analyzed multipart item, do not make 130 for the 245. Do not make 130 to add format qualifier, e.g. (Online) CONSER: Same as GPO; also do not use uniform titles for translations or language editions, using instead 765 or 775 CFL: Create if needed for subject or related work added entry, main entry of the original is the same as the main entry of another work, or if there is a conflict for the analyzed multipart item is entered under a title proper or name heading. Since linking fields do not display, use 130/240. |
240 | Uniform title. GPO: Omit. |
245 | Title GPO: Use subfields "a,b,c,h,n & p". Record phrases such as "final report" or "preliminary report" as other title info unless grammatically linked. Do not record "Prepared for ..." |
246 | Variant titles [no period] GPO: Record variant titles for corrections, cover, added t.p. spine, caption, running, parallel titles per LCRI 21.30J. Exception: no 246 for spelling out abreviations/initials, ampersands, or numerals/dates. Do add number spelled out and symbols. CONSER: Code all indicators 13. NOTE: Exceptions: Parallel title - 246 11. Minor titles changes - code 1 [blank] $i [note] $a [variant title] Include acronyms, initialisms, parallel titles (do not record them in 245 $b) CFL: If full form of abbreviation is easily found, add. |
250 | Edition statement. GPO: Subfield "a" only |
260 | Place : Publisher, date. GPO: Use subfields "a, b, c, g". Do not add ? if supplying [Washington, D.C.]. Record 1st Federal agency If several listed. If one or more non-Federal publishers, record only 1st. |
300 | Physical description. GPO: Use only $a and $e. Use 1 v. : $b digital, PDF file if an electronic document is a PDF document or 300 $a 1 electronic text : $b HTML file a document is an HTML document. |
4XX | Series. GPO: 440 - Use only to record established series that are traced the same (authority record exists) CONSER: 490 For established series traced differently, use 490 1/830. If series is not established, record in 490 0. Also record variant forms of a series that are not included in its authority record in 490 0, untraced (yes - duplicate 4XXs). If a uniform title is not valid per LCRI 25.5, a series title in that case is considered not established. |
500 | General notes. GPO: All optional except:
538 | System requirements. CONSER: Mode of access not needed for standard WWW site |
513 | Type of report and period covered GPO: Omit. |
530 | Other formats available. GPO:Use to record information regarding versions available. For online titles: Also available via Internet from the __ web site (PDF file only). Address as of ___: http://...; current access is available via PURL |
533 | Photo-reproduction note. GPO: Use for items not originally published as microforms. Encode fully, except do not record "negative" |
536 | Funding information. GPO: Omit. |
538 | System requirements - Mode of access. CONSER: Mode of access not needed for standard WWW site. |
6XX | Subjects appropriate to topic. GPO: Add at least one LCSH subject, except to records for NASA documents. (No new SACO records are created). Add NASA thesaurus terms from NASA CASI records to new and exiting NASA records instead of LCSH. CFL: Add at least one LCSH heading if it can be quickly verified. |
655 7 | Genre. $2 -- If LCSH is used as genre: 655 _0 and no $2 |
700 | Person name added entries. GPO: Confirm all headings in authority file. Personal names may be used in AACR2 format without NACO work. |
71X | Corporate bodies entries. GPO: Confirm all Federal headings in authority file. NACO work must be done if no authority record. Do not create 7XX for non-Federal publisher/distributer. Always make entry for Federal agencies. Do not make added entries for non-Federal corporate bodies. CFL: Add corporate body if agency is local, e.g. EERC, UND, ND state agencies, etc. |
730 | Uniform title. GPO: Omit. CONSER: Not necessary to add 730 duplicating a linking field. CFL: When referencing a title that has a uniform title (130) or is the authorized form (245 is 1st instance of the work), use 730. Since linking fields don't display, use 730 as appropriate. |
740 | Uncontrolled title / analytical title. GPO: Assign per normal cataloging standards. |
76X-77X | Linking fields CONSER: Use linking fields. |
8XX | Series GPO: Use to record established series. |
856 | Electronic location and access GPO: Use to record GPO PURL; use $3 Materials specified and/or $z to record other information |
The Documents Center is a central reference and referral point for government information, whether local, state (Michigan), federal, foreign or international. Its web pages are a reference and instructional tool for government, political science, statistical data, and news.
NOTE: 130 and 4XX/830 uniform titles and series
Uniform titles can be used for different purposes. They provide the means:
1. for bringing together all catalogue entries for a work when various manifestations (e.g., editions, translations) of it have appeared under various titles;
2. for identifying a work when the title by which it is known differs from the title proper of the item being catalogued;
3. for differentiating between two or more works published under identical titles proper
As of June 1, 2006, LC catalogers will consult SARs when determining if a conflict exists, when needing a heading for a subject or related work added entry, and when cataloging another manifestation requiring a uniform title (see sections below).
1) Single-part monograph or not-analyzed multipart item a) Conflict in the database. If the main entry is the same as the main entry of another work represented by a bibliographic record or name/series authority record, do not assign a uniform title to either work simply to distinguish them, even if there are multiple editions of either work. - GPO: no 130 for 245; if no SAR, transcribe in 490 0; record multiple 490 0 for variant titles of the series if no authority record for the series
b) Needed for subject or related work added entry. If the main entry is the same as the main entry of another work represented by a bibliographic record or name/series authority record, construct a uniform title consisting of the title proper plus a parenthetical qualifier.
c) Another manifestation requiring a uniform title. If the main entry of the original is the same as the main entry of another work represented by a bibliographic record or name/series authority record, construct a uniform title for the original consisting of the title proper plus a parenthetical qualifier.
2) Analyzed multipart item entered under a title proper a) Conflict in the database. If the title proper of the multipart item is the same as the title proper of another work represented by a bibliographic record or a name/series authority record, construct a uniform title made up of the title proper plus a parenthetical qualifier.
3) Analyzed multipart item entered under a name heading a) Conflict in the database. If that name heading/title proper of the multipart item is the same as the name heading/title proper of another work represented by a bibliographic record or a name/series authority record, construct a uniform title made up of the title proper plus a parenthetical qualifier.
4) Collective uniform title headings "Works" and "Selections": NAR and SAR for different multipart items. PCC practice: To break the conflict between the headings created per LCRIs for rules 25.8 and 25.9, add a brief form of the publisher's name in subfield $s of the series authority record (even if that means revising a heading in an existing record). If there is still a conflict, add a parenthetical qualifier at the end of subfield $s.
Series-like phrase PCC practice: 1) Entry under title. Construct a uniform title made up of the phrase plus a parenthetical qualifier for any phrase entered under title if the phrase is identical to the title proper of a serial/series found in the catalog in a bibliographic record or the title proper in the heading of a series authority record for a series, multipart item, or serial. Follow the guidelines for adding a qualifier to a serial/series title (above).