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Holdings Codes

NOTE: Use abbreviations in the language of the material. Those not listed below, check "The language of the foreign book trade : abbreviations, terms, phrases" and make sure Lang: in BIB and HOL match language of the text.


HOLDING Description (tab2) 853 enum/chron (tab5)
Abteilung Abt.  
Band Bd.  
bind bd.  
Day Sun. 0
Day Mon. 1
Day Tue. 2
Day Wed. 3
Day Thu. 4
Day Fri. 5
Day Sat. 6
Edition ed.  
Fascicle fasc.  
[Gaps] "," we missed or ";"pubr missed  
Index volume index  
Map Map  
Month Jan. 01
Month Feb. 02
Month Mar. 03
Month Apr. 04
Month May 05
Month June 06
Month July 07
Month Aug. 08
Month Sept. 09
Month Oct. 10
Month Nov. 11
Month Dec. 12
New Series new ser.  
Number no.  
Opus op.  
Part pt.  
Quarter qtr. [non-standard]
Reel reel  
Reihe Reihe  
Report rprt.  
Season spring 21
Season summer 22
Season autumn 23
Season winter 24
Section sect.  
Series ser.  
Sheet sheet  
Supplement suppl.  
Special Issue speciss [non-standard]
Teilband T.  
tome t.  
Volume v.  
Year year [as enumeration caption]
Year (German) Jahrg. [as enumeration caption]

To indicate that ordinal numbers should be displayed, a plus sign (+) may be used preceding the caption

Holdings Policies - Description

NOTE 1) When Alma doesn't handle holdings correctly, e.g. year:vol.or year:no

  1. set up the prediction pattern correctly
  2. open items
  3. correct individual items to correct format
  4. check/correct prediction pattern back to correct format after the items have been opened

NOTE 2) Each collection has its own HOL record

NOTE 3) Multi-part monographs contain only enumeration. Serials contain enumeration and chronology.

NOTE 4) The "+" is used for "secondary bibliographic unit" which is a discrete bibliographic unit that is supplementary or complementary to a basic bibliographic unit. (See also Supplementary Materials below) Examples of secondary bibliographic units are a map in a pocket inside a book, a supplement to a newspaper, a separate index to a serial publication, a set of updates to a loose-leaf publication, an answer book accompanying a textbook, a serial update service to a single part of a multipart unit, or a pamphlet accompanying an audiodisc.

NOTE 5) Holding statement levels: 2) general guidance on extent of holdings and includes item identification (single monographs); 3)statement of summary of textent of holdings; always compressed at the highest level (i.e. $a $i only); 4) detailed extent of holdings including item identification which can be itemized or compressed (these can be mixed).

Itemized: v. 4:no.1(1993:Jan.) v.4:no.2(1993:Feb.) v.4:no.3(1993:Mar.) v.4:no.4(1993:Apr.), v.4:no.6(1993:June)
Compressed: v.4:no.1(1993:Jan.)-v.4:no.4(1993:Apr.),v.4:no.6(1993:June)

NOTE 6) Combined issue: When a bibliographic unit is issued with a combined numbering - not when bound after receipt - separate the numbers by a forward slash
Example: v.4:no.36(2003:Aug/Sep 29-5) It is correct for day numbers to look out of order. $a 4 $b 36 $i 2003 $j 08/09 $k 29-5
More examples: v.5/6 v.4:no.1/2 v.33/v.44:no.2 (all issued together on a CD-ROM)


A volume published exclusively within a year

  • v.1(1990) Enum. Level 1: 1 Chron. level 1: 1990

A volume published, whose coverage spans two or more years (ex: Sept 1990-May 1991)

  • v.1(1990/1991) If bound issues: v.1(1990:July-1991:June) Enum. Level 1: 1 Chron. level 1: 1990/1991 
                            Chron. level 2: 07-06

A bound volume that has multiple volumes in it, each exclusively published within a year

  • v.1-2(1990-1991) Enum. Level 1: 1-2 Chron. level 1: 1990/1991-1991/1992
                            Chron. level 2: 07/06-07/06

Parts of volumes

  • v. 1:no.1-6(2004:Jan.-June) Enum. Level 1: 1 Chron. Level 1: 2004
    Enum. Level 2: 1-6 Chron. Level 2: 01-06
    v.32:no.1:pt.2(2004:Jan.2) Enum Level 1: 32 Chron. Level 1: 2004
    Enum. Level 2: 1 Chron. Level 2: 01
    Enum. Level 3.: 2 Chron Level. 3: 2
    v. 1:no.1-3(2003:Jan.-Feb.15) Enum Level 1: 1 Chron. Level 1: 2003
    Enum. Level 2: 1-3 Chron. Level 2: 01-02
                            Chron Level. 3: 15

Bound volume with one or more numbered memoirs.

  • v.75:no.4-6(2001:July-Dec.) + memoir 55 Enum. Level 1: 75 Chron. Level 1: 2001
    Enum. Level 2: 4-6 Chron. Level 2: 07-12
    Supp. index: memoir 55

Individual journal issues

  • v.1:no.1(2003:Jan.)

Journal issues with years as part of the number, eg. 04-1269

  • v.2004:no.1269
    v.2004:no.1269-1274(2004) Enum. Level I: 2004 Chron. Level 1: 2004
    Enum. Level 2: 1269-1274

Bound volume divides volume in two parts

  • v.10:no.1-6(2003:Jan.-June) and v.10:7-12(2003:July-Dec.)

Numbered conferences, e.g. 3rd annual conference of the...(CFL practice is to use no.)

  • no.3(2004)

Ordinal numbers with editions

  • +ed. in $a of 853
    3rd ed.(2005)

Combined volumes spanning years

  • v.6/7(2003:Aug./2004:May)
    v.1/2-3/4(2003:Aug./2004:May-2004:Aug./2005:May) Enum. Level 1: 1/2-3/4 Chron. Level 1: 2003/2004-2004/2005
                                  Chron. Level 2: 08/05-08/05

A revised edition of single vol. of a set (multi-part monograph) where whole is not being revised

  • v.27

Separate index volume

  • v.46:index(2004)

Separate index bound into volume

  • Description: v.19-20(1999-2000) + index v.11-20(1991-2000)
    $o tab3 (caption) index
    $o tab4 (enum/chron) v.11-20(1991-2000)

Separate buyer's guide with bimonthly journal

  • One HOL has 853/853X for journal with $w b and 854 for guide with $w a

Vol. with numbers that repeat AND alternative numbers that are continuous

  • Jahrg.59:Heft 1 = 669(2005:Jan.)
    v.69:no.1-6(2004) = ser.275-278

There is no colon between a month and a day - just between year and month

  • There is a space if no "."
    There is no space if "."
    (2002:Jan.3) (2002:May 6)

Annual with volumes (not the same as a number which is constructed partially using a year designation).

  • 1992:v.1 

Annual with spanned years and volumes

  • 1999/2000 

Holdings with series-volume-number

  • Colons go in between each level of enumeration, e.g. ser.3:v.69:no.1(2004:Jan.)

Occasional supplements, e.g. posters

  • $o would just be "poster" on tab5 Serial Levels
    Description is supposed to have a space on either side of the +
    v.206:no.5(2004:Nov.) + poster

New series

  • New ser. is part of the 1st level of enumeration with the first volume, e.g. new series v.3
    Description: new ser.:v.3
    Tab 5: new ser.:v.3, i.e. $a is just 3
    853/866 $a new ser.:v.
    853X 3
    ser.3:v.10(2005) Enum. Level 1: 10 Chron. Level 1: 2005


  • v.34:no.1(1996:Jan.),v.34:no.3-6(1996:Mar.-June);v.36(1997) 
    Means v.34:no.1(1996:Jan.), [, we missed geting no. 2] v.34:no.3-6(1996:Mar.-June); [; publisher didn't publish v. 35] v.36(1997) List up to three issues/sets. If more, enter simpler data [v.34 (1996)] and use G on tab 4 (break indicator) and use 866 when appropriate. Put "gaps" on spine at bottom.

Bound volume with gaps or with additional materials

  • Tab2 and tab5 do not necessarily match and are not intended to do the same thing.
    • Statement / Tab2 Description -- This corresponds to NISO's "Holdings statement" - a full statement of what we have which will include Enumeration levels but can also include more 
      • tab2 Description is the colons-parentheses info AND the plus "+" info OR more detailed info. The same NISO Holdings Statement instructions can also be used for a combined statement in an 866 on the HOL record giving a summary of multiple volumes in a single line (866) of text
        Example Descripton: v.16:no.1-5(1977:Apr.-Aug.),v.16:no.7(1977:Nov.),v.16:no.9-10(1978:Jan.-Feb.)
    • Enumeration Levels / Tab5 Serial Levels -- This is to give the hierarchical "Enumeration levels" - a listing of the enumeration levels only
      • tab5 Serials levels a-f and i-l are only for hierarchy. This is colons-parentheses info only in Description
        $o [Name of unit] is for supplements and/or indexes -- after + in Description
        $g,h,m are for alternate numbering (rarely used)
        Example for the above example: $a 16 $i 1977/1978

Teachers guide, CD-ROM, etc. with book

  • Supplementary material in book (1 barcode) 
    1 v. + 1 CD-ROM - note: use "1 v." when the item has no enumeration.
    1 v. + teacher's guide
    • Tab2 Description is the colons-parentheses info AND the plus "+" info is for supplementary material contained in one physical unit.
  • Supplementary materials (multiple barcodes)
    Book has no Tab2 Description.
    Supplementary material has Tab2 Description, e.g. Map - because there is a map which is a separate item to be used with the book.
    (Note: if use an 866, use quotes: v. 3 + "teacher's guide")

Mixed enumeration

  • Description and/or 866
    1 score + 1 piano conductor part + 2 first violin parts + 2 second violin parts + 1 viola part + 1 cello part
    1 score + 7 parts

Volumes and textual enumeration

  • bd.6:violin 1
    bd.6:violin 2
    bd.8:violin 1 cello 1 (2 music parts in 1 vol.)

For information not covered by other NISO punctuation, use < >

  • no.30-176 < Scattered issues > [no spaces] - Use for something that has many gaps Enum. Level I: 30-176 no.1-200 <200 = index:no.1-199> Enum. Level I: 1-200

A hierarchical multipart unit may have a first-order designator with a caption and enumeration, but a subsequent order designator with only a name.

  • v.1:1st violin v.1:2nd violin v.1:viola v.1:violoncello
    v.2:1st violin v.2:2nd violin v.2:viola v.2:violoncello
    v.3:1st violin v.3:2nd violin v.3:viola v.3:violoncello

MARC 21 Holdings Format

Local Holdings Maintenance Documentation (Union List)


Local Holdings Maintenance Tutorials


MARC21 Concise Format for Holdings Data


NISO Holdings Punctuation
(see document below)


Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items / NISO


MARC21 Holdings Examples


MARC21 Holdings Cheat Sheet


Summary Holdings- see Serials
Supplementary Materials - see Serials

MARC21 Holdings Format

MARC21 Holdings Format

(note - to get $I to display right in Word, it given with "." $i. - do not in put the period)


Guidelines at: MARC21 Concise Holdings



Chronology Type and Code Patterns:

Control fields:






Z39.71 allows two options for format, but the institution must always use the same one. UND will use "separate" v. 1:no.1-v.12:no.12(1910:Jan.-1922:Dec.)


This also means 866 summary or textual holdings are:

866 31 v.1-v.38(1910-1948)




MARC21 Holdings format applies to monographs, multipart monographs, and continuing/integrating resources


NISO notes:

 New series is "new ser." not "n.s." and it is the first level of enumeration incl. Vol

e.g. 853 $a new ser.::v.# 

Enumeration and chronology must be displayed at same level

e.g. v. no. (year) (month) not v. no. (year) - NISO p. 25

Use Arabic numerals, not roman numerals or other numbers

see NISO p. 29, 41 for mixed numbers and text

Years are always 4 digits - NISO p.33

Use "/" for span and "-" to join two entities


Punctuation must be followed

NISO p. 11




 Monographs commonly: cx2n

 Multiparts commonly: cv4n

Serials commonly: cy4n


006 and 007 Fixed fields

 Not common but can have


008 Fixed Field


 06 - monographs 2, current serials 4, dead serials 5

 07 - purchased = p, g = gift SEE LIST for more

 22-24 often missed - fill in to match Lang. of BIB; exception: seasons

 Seasons: set Lang to "dum"



 use indicators, generally 2

GPO mixed formats on one bib (preferred is 2 separate bibs each with own HOL)

- one HOL for paper

- one HOL for fiche




Textual holdings 866-868

MARC Hol in Aleph p. 12-15

NISO - gap and non-gap p. 25-26

Handling gaps

Standard allows 1 continuous line with lots of "," and a $z note

-- Or --

Separate lines for each held group

UND will do up to 3 gaps on separate lines, but if more, do 1 continuous line with $z note)

NISO numbered with hierarchical unnumbered p. 29


(In Aleph the system librarian can set a label for 866, 867, 868)

866 3 summary $a v.1:no.1-

866 4 detail - every specific barcoded item

Indicator 2

1 = trying to follow standard

0 = not trying to follow standard, e.g. used for "workbook", "teacher's guide"

NISO p.23 for elvl 3 vs. 4






866 41 $81 $a 1v.

866 41 $81 #a 1 CD-ROM


866 39 1 book, 1 CD-ROM



866 41 $82 $a 1 videocassette $z PALS format

867 41 $82 $a "teachers guide"

(use " " for bound descriptor)



866 41 $83 v.1-v.8

868 41 $83 1 v.



866 41 $8 CDROMs $z lacks teacher's guide


866 41 $8 CD-ROMs

867 41 $z teacher's guide lacking



866 41 $8 1 $a v.22 (1978)-v.31:no.1(1987), <comma - gap we missed>

866 41 $8 1 $a v.31:no.4(1987)-v.45:no.4(2001); >semicolon - pbd gap>

866 41 $8 1 $a v.47:no.1(2002)-v.47:no.2(2002)



MARC Hol in Aleph p. 11-12




 Multiple 853/4/5 fields may occur in one HOL record

 Abbreviations for holdings -

First base on Append. B of AACR

Then establish list to be used consistently

 OCLC Pre-stamp and Post-stamp $k $m


$x is non-public

$z is public - set policy, establish standard notes

 Difference between 852 notes and 853 notes


853/853X indicators, generally 20


863 Don't use in Aleph because it uses 853X




853/4/5 subfields

MARC21 p. 4-16

853 is the "pattern"

 $v restart

 $w freq

 $x when you start no.1


this also formats the Aleph "Description" field in the item record

 Compressibility - determined by 1st indicator - not used by Aleph

 2 = can compress or expand

- this would allow compression, e.g. v.1-v.38(1910-1948)

- this would also allow, e.g. v. 2-v.5(1952-1955) v.6:no.3(1956:July) v.7-v.10(1957-1960) v.11 <1961 rev.ed.>

Captions create the public display - 2nd indicator says if all levels are present

When frequency changes use a new $8 number

 853 $8 1 monthly

 853 $8 1.1

 853 $8 1.2

 853 $8 2 quarterly

 853 $8 2.1

 853 $8 2.2


 866 $8 1 would be summary for monthly


 866 $8 0 (zero) trumps all and summarizes everything (Aleph has a table to create summary holdings IF the holdings are 'perfect')

 $8 1.1 == > all merge into 1 statement

 $8 1.2

 $8 2.1

 $8 2.2



853X is an Aleph field - this is where Ex Libris deviates from the standard

853X is what says where number 1 starts with the holdings in it

853X is what is used to open next years publication schedule


Aleph replaces the 863-5 with 853X, but if you have problems with your workforms, you will need to edit the MARC format and follow everything else about MARC21 Holdings Format


Aleph does not use 876-878


More 853-855 subfields



$u - how many issues before volume goes up

 - if you only have a $a, you will never have a $u value (for only $a or $g)

$v - when does the numbering start?

 - if continuous = c ; e.g. no.1 2 3 4 is 1994 then no. 5 6 7 8 is 1995 etc.

 - if restarts = r ; e.g. v. 1, no.1, 2,3,4 v. 2, no. 1,2,3,4 etc.

$w - frequency

$y - regularity pattern - used with $v, e.g. monthly but not one month - it "omits" one month


o = omit

m = month

e.g. $y om 07 means we won't get July



$y cm03/04

$a v. $b no. $u 11 $v r $i (year) $j (month) $w m $y cm 03/04


pm - published monthly



$a v $b no. $u 7 $v r $i (year) $j (month) $w 7

NOTE: if you use $w <number>, you MUST use $y pm 01,02,03, etc.



if in a year, multiple vols with multiple issues

$a v. $b no. $u 2 $c pt. $u 2

2 pts. Cause no. to change once - you get all those, then your vol. goes up


or Nature, vols. change $v r

numbers continue $v c

$a v. $u .. $v r $b no. $u .. $v c


MARC21 says: if no enumeration and only have chronology, you MUST move year mo day to $a $b $c

UND - give both to make public view cleaner - $a $b $c $i. $j $k






Fequency changes on one title - this doesn't need a new HOL

You do a new 853 with new $8 number

If you choose, you can also use 866


This is usually done when you have a chunk of old barcodes and holdings


Create for current, both sets of 853/853Xs:

853 $8 1

853X $8 1 (start of title)


 v. 37(2003) is new frequency so

853 $8 2

853X $8 2



v.3:no.1(2003:Jan.) monthly


$8 1

 $a v.

 $b no.

$i (year)

 $j (month)

 $w m



$8 1

$a 3

 $b b 1

$i 2003

$j 01


v.7:no.(nnnn) quarterly


$8 2

$a v.

 $b no.

 $w q

853X $a 7

 $b 1


You may also want to say you have v.1-36

you can do 866 $8 --- v.1-v.36(1962-2003)


 1 - if you put in "1" the computer is to use 853/863 plus 866

0 - if you put in "0" it will override the automated summary display to the public







A holding record can have multiple tags for any of these fields


Example: a serial, with an annual suppl. and a biennial index


v.3:no.1(2003:Jan.) monthly


$8 1

 $a v.

$b no.

 $i (year)

 $j (month)

$w m



$8 1

 $a 3

$b b 1

$i 2003

$j 01



$8 1

$a (year)

 $w a




$a 2003

$i 2003



$8 1

$a (year)

 $w g




 $a 2003/2005

 $i 2003/2005











A-D monographic, E-G serial


Example A

Type x

852 0blank $h F614.D8 $i. J64 1996

856 42 $u ..

866 #0 $a Copy signed by author


Example B

Type x

852 4 $j AB358


Example C

Type v

852 0# $h DR82.3 $i .H65 1990

866 41 $a v.1-4


Example D

Type v

852 4blank $j DVD110 $z guidebook

866 #0 $a 1 DVD

866 #0 $a 1 guidebook


Examples E

Type y

852 0 $h HG1 $I .S356

853 30 $81 $a v $b no. $u 12 $v r $i. (year) $j (month) $w m

Example F

Type y

Records status is c for completed

852 0 $h JA1 $i. .N46

853 20 #8 1 $a v $b no. $u 4 $v r $I (Year) $j (month) $w q

863 etc

866 4 would be each level of enumeration, e.g. v.1:no.1 (1992:Jan.)

866 3 would be less detail, e.g. v.1 (1992)






Where they are placed depends on situation


Can be in 852 $z

Can be in 866 $a


Can be in 866 $a $z 






853 $8 1 $a v $b no. $v c $i. (Year) $j (month) $w b

863 $8 1.1 $a 24 $b 1 $i...

863 $8 1.2 $a 24 $b 2 $i

863 $8 1.3 $a 25 $b 1 $i

863 $8 1.4 $a 25 $b 2 $i

863 $8 1.5 $a 26 $b 1 $i






1. Create your 852 - HOL record


2. Write down



3. Determine indicators

853 20


4. Determine $8


5. Look at the holdings you are trying to work with.

E.g. a weekly with vols. numbers, years, months, days


$a ---- $b ---- $u ---- $v --- $i. ---- $j --- $k --- $w --- $x ---

v. no. #units restarts year month day frequency

$a v. $b no. $u 52 $v r $i. (year) $j (month) $k (day) $w w

Note: 3 = unknown compression

Note: 0 = all levels present

These are common for new serials when you don't know what is going to happen with it. If establishing and 853 for something new that you also received backfiles for, you may set these indicators more appropriately



5a. Again.

Something is mostly monthly but no June or July issue

$a ---- $b ---- $u ---- $v --- $i. ---- $j --- $w --- $y ----

v. no. #units restarts year month day frequency published/omit

853 30 $8 1 $a v. $b no. $u 10 $v r $i. (year)$j (month) $w m $y om 06,07


Note: $w (frequency) should be the standard frequency code; if it is absolutely non-standard, you can use the explicit number of issues but you must also use $y to list each issue expected to be published

e.g. $w 7 $y pm01,02,05,06,08,10,12


6. Next figure out the 863, i.e. Aleph 853X which contains your numbers


$a ---- $b ---- $u ---- $v --- $i. ---- $j --- $k --- $w ---

v. no. #units restarts year month day frequency

853 30 $8 1 $a v. $b no. $u 52 $v r $i. (year) $j (month) $k (day) $w w


863 40 $8 1.1 $a 1 $b 1 $i. 2002 $j Jan. $k 01

863 40 $8 1.2 $a 1 $b 2 $i. 2002 $j Jan. $k 02



$a ---- $b ---- $u ---- $v --- $i. ---- $j --- $w --- $y ----

v. no. #units restarts year month day frequency published/omit

853 30 $8 1 $a v. $b no. $u 10 $v r $i. (year)$j (month) $w m $y om 07,08


863 40 $8 1.1 $a 4 $b 1 $i. 2004 $j Sept.

863 40 $8 1.2 $a 4 $b 2 $i. 2004 $j Oct.






Find: search for title

Two methods are possible - follow Prediction Patterns manual

Switch to Serials

Check Subscription List and correct as needed




Method 1

Click HOL link


Ctrl E to get menu to expand from template

Pick closest

Ctrl F to get form for 853 853X


Method 2

Highlight patterns in tree



Top, Patterns tab - Add

Go to tab 3 and edit

Click "template" - template will add what you didn't enter

Pick closest


Switch to Overview

Click HOL

Click Catalog record


In either method you must further edit the MARC record

Edit Marc Holdings record

 Fixed field

 Tag subfields

 Select Menu>Cataloging>Print to see pattern

Save on server


 Make corrections to errors

Switch to Acq/Ser Module

Click Link or make sure red check is present

Open items

Switch to Checkin mode

You will ALWAYS have to go to the item you check and add Item Statistic (except JLS1 and JLS2)














1 ODN01

b 001118811




852 20

a NdU


c JLS1

h QD1

I .A36



8 1

a v

b no.

u 12

c pt.

u 2

I (year)

j (month)

w s

x 01

y om07

853 X

a 1

b 1

c 1

I 2003

j 01

k 01

3 20030101

9 00001

8 1